  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Have just received notification that the accommodation has been changed from the Queen Mary to Hotel Maya due to negative feedback.  This is very disappointing.  However, would it be possible to go onto the Queen Mary to have a look around and experience the history as this was one of the reasons why I chose the longer trip in the first place.  Perhaps Just You could treat the group to a drink on board?  I am already booked on the optional trip to the island. 

Look forward to hearing from you.  Wharole

Hi Wharole,

Apologies for the delay. We completely appreciate your disappointment that the move has had to be made, however unfortunately we did receive a number of customer complaints about the standard of accommodation, so we took the decision to make this change.

The hotel you will be staying in is a great alternative, and you'll be close to the Queen Mary (about a 10 minute walk). You can of course still visit independently and there are several exhibitions and tours on offer if you want to do them.

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
Hi Wharole

We stayed at the Hotel Maya on the America's Golden West tour (the earlier version of Western Wonders) and it is lovely (huge beds!) with a terrace and swimming pool that have harbour views over the Queen Mary.

The ship itself has been owned by various companies over the years, several of whom have struggled to make money, and maintenance of the vessel does not look like it has been top priority as a result. You can do tours around the ship but if you want the audio tour they insist on keeping your passport as security for the equipment (in an unguarded pile with dozens of others on a desk in an open ticket booth!!) - I politely declined and found my own way round the ship... It is a bit confusing because the 'hotel' is in the middle so, in order to visit the public areas in the bow and stern you have to go up two different gangways and disembark 'between ends' but she is still a fascinating 'old lady' and a must for a maritime enthusiast.  Sadly though, I believe the legendary 'California Shakes' milkshake bar which was a feature on deck for many years has now closed down.

There is a harbour side walk next to the ship (and the Cold War era Soviet submarine 'parked' next to her) which runs straight past the Hotel Maya and round the bay. Vickie is correct that it is a pleasant 10 minute, palm tree lined, stroll. There is also a shuttle bus which goes past both hotel and ship,round into the Longbeach harbourside town area. (Restaurants, shops and an aquarium). But, make a point of checking with the driver when you get on because the buses don't stop at every stop on every journey. We got on one which was labelled as being our route number, quite late at night on the way back from town. The driver sailed straight passed the Maya, drove on to a car park in the middle of no-where, stopped and told a bus load of people that he was now on his break and it would be an hour before he returned to drop us off! As he'd made a comment about us being 'Australians' when we got on, we suspect he did it as a joke - but be warned!

Happy to help if you have any other questions

All the best


I stayed on the Queen Mary in June, there are several tours of the ship. I took one about 30 years ago,when Disney had just taken over the ship, it was very good and spooky. There had been an episode of Quantum Leap, set on board, just before I went and the tour had a similar story to the episode.

I don’t know how many tours will be available after the trip to Catalina, there was at least one in the early evening.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you for your reply and information.  Hope I can fit a visit in as going to Catalina Island.

However if you are definitely not using the Queen Mary why is it still appearing as the accommodation on the website.  Can understand printed brochure being out of date, but surely it should be easier to get the website sorted?

Best wishes

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'wharole' wrote:

Thank you for your reply and information.  Hope I can fit a visit in as going to Catalina Island.

However if you are definitely not using the Queen Mary why is it still appearing as the accommodation on the website.  Can understand printed brochure being out of date, but surely it should be easier to get the website sorted?

Best wishes

Thank you Mandy and Keith for the information.
