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I can see in photos that women are wearing shorts- my understanding of the culture is this is not acceptable or is that old hat? I want to make sure i don't take the wrong stuff.
Good Afternoon suejacob,

We advise that shorts and skimpy tops are not considered suitable when visiting temples- your knees and shoulders should be covered when you visit certain places.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
'suejacob' wrote:

I can see in photos that women are wearing shorts- my understanding of the culture is this is not acceptable or is that old hat? I want to make sure i don't take the wrong stuff.

I would say covering the chest and bottoms (sorry to be so blunt) would be best as men will not stare at you. In India, women are expected and brought up to look respectable as not to draw unnecessary attention from men. I am from India and I can assure you, you will enjoy your time there. I would suggest to have full fat Yakult two weeks prior to leaving to avoid sufferings from  Delhi belly.


Sue Jacob. I would feel very uncomfortable wearing shorts in India.

I wear cut offs or lightweight trousers, and tops that cover shoulders. Also carry a scarf, very handy for covering up in temples.

I loved the JY India tour so much I have been back to India 4 times since then.

Have a great time.

  • (Member)

When I was on Kerala tour, there was a lady who wore very short shorts. I think nowadays anything goes but best to dress a bit modestly so you do not attract any unwanted attention.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Dyuti' wrote:

'suejacob' wrote:

I can see in photos that women are wearing shorts- my understanding of the culture is this is not acceptable or is that old hat? I want to make sure i don't take the wrong stuff.

I would say covering the chest and bottoms (sorry to be so blunt) would be best as men will not stare at you. In India, women are expected and brought up to look respectable as not to draw unnecessary attention from men. I am from India and I can assure you, you will enjoy your time there. I would suggest to have full fat Yakult two weeks prior to leaving to avoid sufferings from  Delhi belly.

Thnak you for you advise re the tummy. I had thought of taking bimuno as I have taken that before. I will try Yakult. 
