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I don't need to manage my booking often or regularly except to book or to make the payment. Every time I try to sign in by using my email address and password, they are not valid or unrecognised. I have to go through the whole scenario of 'Forgot my password'.

This is my first year with JY and I have already used 2 separate email addresses and 4 passwords. Why am I having this problem, especially when I know my email address and remember the password I used the last time?

I don't need to sign in to read the Community pages, I read them everyday. So perhaps you would understand why I find it frustrating when I can't even manage to sign in to manage my booking. I am quite used to the modern technology.

I would appreciate an explanation please.


Hi Dyuti,

Unfortunately 'Manage My Booking' is not linked to the community, so I am unable to explain why this is happening. I have passed your query over to the IT guys here at JYHQ, so I hope to update you shortly.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi perhaps this doesn't apply to you Dyuti, but you may need a different password to log in to the website than you use for the forum; the website one is a more specific type e.g. a capital letter and number are needed etc. Hope this helps and you get sorted! I always ring to pay the balance and book excursions as I prefer to talk to an advisor and ask any questions I may have (Monty will find this hard to believe, given the number of questions I've asked her about recently!!)

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi perhaps this doesn't apply to you Dyuti, but you may need a different password to log in to the website than you use for the forum; the website one is a more specific type e.g. a capital letter and number are needed etc. Hope this helps and you get sorted! I always ring to pay the balance and book excursions as I prefer to talk to an advisor and ask any questions I may have (Monty will find this hard to believe, given the number of questions I've asked her about recently!!)

All the best,


Thank you Monty and Bob. I am profound deaf and had a cochlear implant. I don't call anyone if I am not familiar with their voice. I don't like asking my adult children to make phone calls on my behalf, if I can communicate via text, emails or online. So I prefer to book, pay online but it is frustrating when I can't log on.

Hi Dyuti,

It looks as though your booking is attached to your other email address, you should have received a new password to that email address. Let me know if this works, if not I will drop you an email.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Dyuti,

It looks as though your booking is attached to your other email address, you should have received a new password to that email address. Let me know if this works, if not I will drop you an email.

Kindest regards,


Hello Monty,

I tried to sign in with the password I recd in email this morning, I couldn't. My other email address that you mentioned, I don't really use it regularly but I have it in case I can't log on using my primary email address. So what to do next?



Hi Dyuti,

Your other email address is the one associated with your booking. We can try to swap these over, but I can't guarantee this. If it will help, would you like us to try?

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Dyuti,

Your other email address is the one associated with your booking. We can try to swap these over, but I can't guarantee this. If it will help, would you like us to try?

Kindest regards,


Yes, please Monty, appreciate it.


Hi Dyuti,

We are working on this now and I will update you with our progress. You may get a couple of emails with password changes etc. but don't worry too much about those.

Kindest regards,


Hi Dyuti,

Well how's this for service - we have swapped over your email addresses. You should be able to log in to Manage My Booking with your primary email address now. It will be the same password sent to your other email address. If you have any problems logging in, let me know and I will drop you an email.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Dyuti,

Well how's this for service - we have swapped over your email addresses. You should be able to log in to Manage My Booking with your primary email address now. It will be the same password sent to your other email address. If you have any problems logging in, let me know and I will drop you an email.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Monty, for trying. I tried again as per your instructions and I got, 'Sorry, we couldn't validate you using the credentials supplied, please try again'. I have read this so many times, I feel like giving up!



Hi Dyuti,

I have just dropped you an email.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Dyuti,

I have just dropped you an email.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Monty for your email.

Hurray, I logged on for the first time in ages. Thanks.