  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

Just curious why there is a change of hotel and location for Treasures of Andalusia. I went on this trip last year and loved the hotel and location. Mijas is a lovely town and I was considering going on the trip again next year, but I think I will give it a miss if the location isn't Mijas. I always research the hotels etc before booking. It is unlike 'Just You' to change accommodation at such short notice. I am booked on the 6th Oct Historic Malta trip and looking forward to it.



Hi Marje,

The hotel has changed for the 17th September departure only, due to an overbooking situation at the hotel.This was an unfortunate situation, but something beyond our control. Just You will continue to use Hotel Mijas for all the 2015 holidays, and we plan to use it in 2016 too. I am glad to hear that you loved the hotel and location.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of time on your trip to Malta.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Marje,

The hotel has changed for the 17th September departure only, due to an overbooking situation at the hotel.This was an unfortunate situation, but something beyond our control. Just You will continue to use Hotel Mijas for all the 2015 holidays, and we plan to use it in 2016 too. I am glad to hear that you loved the hotel and location.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of time on your trip to Malta.

Kindest Regards,


Thank you for your reply Monty. That puts my mind at rest and renews my faith in Just You. :thumbup:

Kindest Regards
