  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Dear editor

I am new to this site and single life and travel and close to retiring age just a little anxious about all this.

I am planning to attend my god sons wedding in New Zealand at the end of February 2014 and would like to take a few destinations before and after the wedding ...for me this will be once in a life time trip. My usual trip are max3 hours flying.

Any ideas most welcome. S.[/size][/font]

  • (Member)
Welcome to the community Sally_Anne,

You certainly aren't the first member of this forum to express a degree of anxiousness and you won't be the last, but I hope you find everyone on here to be friendly and helpful.

Where about in New Zealand is the wedding?

I'm sure our members will share with you their own thoughts and experiences of travelling to New Zealand.

Kind regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you, the wedding is on the northern island, haven't got all details only just heard and need to start planning ...would like to spend some time in Asia on my way there and perhaps return via San Francisco and or New York. S_A
  • (Member)
Sally Anne

If you go to the review section and type Hong Kong and New Zealand in the search part it should come up with my review.

I went in January 2012 my user name is NIXON..have a read on my trouts and you might find other people's postings there as well.

Wen I went a few people stayed in and made their way back home alone and some people went out a few days before we did to spend more time in HKG.

Have fun.....the flight is worth it to see NZ


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