Sue Southampton
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Ollie

It is getting close now. I booked up 9 months ago and I felt "safe" then but now I am beginning to think about what I need to do. I dont quite understand the suitcase situation. I have a normal pull along one for the main stuff and I hear you need a separate one for the safari part. I do have a smaller one which I assume will go on the plane. Also I have a bag for my cameras. Are we allowed both of them on the plane. None of them will be very heavy because of my back problems. The other thing I am interested in knowing about is what happens about window seats. I used to go on short distance holidays with a friend who did not like flying so she always gave me the seat by the window. That wont happen here but it would be great to be at a window on the second flight over the animals. Do we swap around or is it first come first serve, if it is I will be there the day before just to make sure!!! Also in the transport in the parks as it would be awful if you could not see anything. The last point thing I wont to ask is that I wont to go to Haller Park which is part of a longer day trip. As I suffer from walking distances also getting very tired I would love to spend all day (even alone if necessary) as I love the animals and could watch them being fed all day. Could I get a taxi from the lodge and then meet up with everyone else in the afternoon. I really hope this is possible.

Thanks Ollie

  • (Member)
Hi Sue

About the luggage, we ask that you take two cases - one hard and one soft. The soft one is for the safari part of the holiday as there is limited space on the vehicles. The other bag will be stored in Mombasa for you. You can also take hand luggage for the plane.

You can take both of your cameras on to the plane as long as they fit in to you hand luggage and don't exceed the weight limit.

If you want a window seat, give us a call on 0844 567 8844 to make a request. If possible, we will get you one but bear in mind this depends on what the airline has available. If we can't get you a window seat, get to the airport check-in desk early and ask them if you can get a window seat (but bear in mind this may mean sitting away from the group). If all else fails, maybe someone in the group will be happy to swap seats with you.

On safari you will get a good view wherever you sit as the vehicles are designed to give a good view.

Lastly, you are usually welcome to make your own plans away from the group, so I'm sure you will be able to spend the day at Haller if you don't mind paying for a taxi there.

Have a great trip.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

Haller Park is near to the hotel so won't cost you a fortune to get there and back. It is not a vast park to walk around and I got some cracking photos of feeding time with the hippo's, just stunning that was to see. Just be aware that the paths can be a little tricky as are like dirt tracks and if your looking up at things then your not always looking where your feet are going as I found out.

The seats on the safari bus are single so you have a window, we did swap around to get front seat next to driver but one lady had trouble getting in the bus so we let her sit up front each day. Also your standing a fair bit to look out the top hatch for getting the good shots on camera.

Have a great time the animals are just fantastic my fav's are the elephants..

If I can help with anything just ask


Hi is there any opportunity to take a ride on an elephant on this trip?

  • (Member)

When I was on this tour there was NO oppertunity to ride an elephant .....they are all in the wild....not for tourist rides...



Siimple answer, no, but you can ride a camel on the beach in Mombassa if you want.


  • (Member)

That made me laugh I was forgetting about the poor camels going back and forth all day every day. I did not ride a camel I have to say.


  • (Member)

I went on this trip in March and prior to going there were a few people getting concerned on here about the 2 sets of luggage. It wasn't as bad as you think. I took a holdall & a small case with small toiletries, split the suncream & repellent so had in both sets. You get towels for the pool from both hotels so don't need those. Both weighed pretty much the same so 10kg in each. In fact I could have carried my holdall on as hand luggage as you have 10kg for that too but I prefered to check it in. The idea of the soft bag is that you are picked up from Mombasa in the safari vans so there isn't that much room for luggage in them. You have 6 in each van and you all get a window seat but we all rotated each day, as there is less room in the back 2 when you stand up with the open roof. Ours worked well 'cus we all got on well anyway. Both hotels have a small shop but the safari lodge is all gift stuff but the other does have a few toiletries if needed but not too much.

When you get to Mombasa you hand the case over and get a receipt, it it then collected when you arrive. Make sure it is therefore locked although there wasn't any issues, quite organised.

You will have a fab time, it's a great holiday!