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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olley

What is the flight time for china and is it a night flight.

Thanks Sharon

  • (Member)
Hi Sharon

Flight time from Heathrow to Beijing will be around 12-13 hours, maybe a little more or less.

If you can let me know your booking reference or departure date I will check whether it is a night flight.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

as a Just You Tour Manager currently on tour in China just thought Id let you know that Olly is thinking of Hong Kong which is a longer flight. London to Beijing is only 10 hours and people often pleasantly surprised. The aircraft routes now over Scandinavia, St Petersburg across Russia, Siberia, The Gobi desert where the sun rises and over Outer Mongolia so its not as long as people think.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Daniel

Thanks for the reply. Really was not doing another long haul for next year,but am now thinking about it as i like to have something to look forward to. Love the states and want to do the west coast but have been thinking of something totally different like china,thailand,would love kenya as well but hate having a night flight there and back at least with the states it's usually just coming home is the night flight. Wish i could sleep like some people tend to do but really struggle with it. Thanks again and who knows i might just book it.


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