  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello solos, anyone else going on the Walking in Nepal trip this November? I have just booked the one departing from Heathrow on Etihad, Nov 7 2019. I also booked the optional Dhulikhel add-on, so 16 days in total. I looked into upgrading to Business Class - it's an extra £2,300 both ways so I think it will have to just be economy.

It's my first time with JY and I am excited like a little kid! Any hints and tips from fellow travellers, or those who might have on this tour before, would be most welcome. I need to decide whether to take walking boots or just walking shoes and walking sandals, and do we need to bring a walking pole(s)? What sort of clothing do people take - I think it will be quite warm during the days but it can get a bit chilly in the evening. Hopefully we will get more information from JY in the travel pack. 

I look forward to meeting my fellow walkers either here, at Heathrow, Abu Dhabi or Kathmandu  :)

Rose x

  • (Member)
Hi Rose,

I have not done this particular trip in Nepal but did the trek towards Everest in 2003, and am going back to Nepal later this year (not with JY). If you go up to the Search button (top right hand of this page) and put in Nepal, you will find some reviews. 

For my trip this year I will be taking lightweight hiking boots and trekking sandals. I am a big fan of trekking poles (2 are better than one, but one is better than none!). In terms of clothing - I live in Rohan and Craghoppers, both of which are designed for the outdoor life and also wash and dry really quickly. You can also get Insect Repellent clothes from them too.

Needless to say it is best to make an appointment with your GP/Practice nurse regarding innoculations and also whether you will need malaria pills and Diamox (for Altitude sickness). I am lucky that I have an excellent nurse here in Scotland who doesn't let me out of the country without sticking at least one needle in me, so I am "good to go" anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat!

Enjoy - it is a fabulous country.



Angie S
Hi Rose,

I did this trip with the add on in November 2018.

Walking shoes will be fine - most folks wore these - the ground was firm and dry on the walks we done. Boots would be fine too but I would not recommend sandals.

It was warm by day - I wore shorts and T's and 3/4 trousers when in city. At night it got cool but I would not describe it as cold. I wore fleeces and had a very light jacket for that extra layer. There are a few early starts so be prepared for fairly chilly mornings. Do not be put off by the early start for the monastery morning prayer - it's a highlight and a privilege. I wish I had gloves this morning as you are up early!

I would recommend poles - as Hils says, one is good but two is better. I was never a fan of poles as something else to carry but if I do another holiday like this, I would take them. A lot of people on our trip had them.

For the afternoon drive in Chitwan, take long trousers and long sleeved top and make sure they are dark colours - khaki, black or grey preferably. Take a warm fleece and or light jacket as it gets cool as the sunsets and the vehicle is moving about. 

I know it's a small gesture but I took with me pencils and jotters. I took small supplies when on some of the walks as I knew we would encounter children in rural communities. They will be greatly appreciated. People often suggest you buy these when you are there to support local businesses (and save room in your case) but I'm not a great shopper so take these with me.

Just say if you want to know anything else.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Hils and Angie, thank you very much for your hints and tips, much appreciated. I'd never have thought of taking gloves but a pair of lightweight yet cosy gloves have now been put on my packing list!

Blacks and Cotswold Outdoors seem to have sales on atm - I got some Craghoppers with amazing discounts. I also treated myself to some collapsible trifold walking poles as they are much easier to transport than the standard poles. Vaccinations are in hand; just need to sort out my Nepal visa now.

Roll on November 😉

  • (Member)
'Rose54' wrote:

Hello solos, anyone else going on the Walking in Nepal trip this November? I have just booked the one departing from Heathrow on Etihad, Nov 7 2019. I also booked the optional Dhulikhel add-on, so 16 days in total. I looked into upgrading to Business Class - it's an extra £2,300 both ways so I think it will have to just be economy.

It's my first time with JY and I am excited like a little kid! Any hints and tips from fellow travellers, or those who might have on this tour before, would be most welcome. I need to decide whether to take walking boots or just walking shoes and walking sandals, and do we need to bring a walking pole(s)? What sort of clothing do people take - I think it will be quite warm during the days but it can get a bit chilly in the evening. Hopefully we will get more information from JY in the travel pack. 

I look forward to meeting my fellow walkers either here, at Heathrow, Abu Dhabi or Kathmandu  :)

Rose x

Hello Rose

I have very recently (about three weeks ago!) booked this trip, plus the add on,  and am really looking forward to it and to meeting my fellow travellers.  Travelling from Heathrow. 

  Went to Nepal three years ago for a few days and loved it, hence wanting to return.

Also thinking about what to take.  Generally it's pretty informal there I would say.  Comfortable stuff for walking and travelling around.  Definitely a fleece or similar for early mornings and evenings.  And will probably take a walking pole.

Hope that helps.

See you soon!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Linda, nice to hear from a fellow traveller! It's not long to go now, I hope we'll get the final details about our trip shortly. I am a little surprised there's only two of us from this trip on the forum so far but at least we know now that we're not on our own.  🙂

I am almost ready to go now - walking poles, boots and shoes, mozzy spray, walking trousers and a new backpack are all ready, as are lots of other bits and pieces - all casual clothing. I also took Angie's tip and will bring a whole lot of colourful pens and some notebooks for the kids. Everything just needs to be packed properly. I have had all my jabs done, incl. a course of rabies vaccine, and the visa is also done. I have decided to take some Euros in cash, as apparently Euros and USD are the most commonly used foreign currencies, and I had some Euros still lying about. 

Where are you travelling from? I'll be driving up to Heathrow from the South coast. I'd much rather use public transport but it's a lot faster, and not much more expensive, by car. 

See you soon


  • (Member)
'Rose54' wrote:

Hello Linda, nice to hear from a fellow traveller! It's not long to go now, I hope we'll get the final details about our trip shortly. I am a little surprised there's only two of us from this trip on the forum so far but at least we know now that we're not on our own.  🙂

I am almost ready to go now - walking poles, boots and shoes, mozzy spray, walking trousers and a new backpack are all ready, as are lots of other bits and pieces - all casual clothing. I also took Angie's tip and will bring a whole lot of colourful pens and some notebooks for the kids. Everything just needs to be packed properly. I have had all my jabs done, incl. a course of rabies vaccine, and the visa is also done. I have decided to take some Euros in cash, as apparently Euros and USD are the most commonly used foreign currencies, and I had some Euros still lying about. 

Where are you travelling from? I'll be driving up to Heathrow from the South coast. I'd much rather use public transport but it's a lot faster, and not much more expensive, by car. 

See you soon


Hi Rose

Lovely to hear from you.  Am travelling from Hertfordshire to Heathrow and I think I will most likely go on the underground from Cockfosters.  It takes about 1.5 hours but it's easy.  Hopefully we will all meet up at the airport.

Yes, have also had all my jabs, got my visa and am gradually getting myself organised.   I haven't had my final documents either so hope they will arrive soon.  Evidently there are about 14 of us on the trip which is a nice number.  

I think I will probably take Sterling and just get it changed up when I am there.  I did this before when I went and it seemed to work but I think USD or Euros would also be fine.  

Getting excited, and looking forward to meeting you.  Happy packing!!
