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I have just booked this trip and it's my first solo holiday so it would be lovely to connect with anyone else who is booked on the same trip - October 14th. 

Look forward to hearing from you.

Chris L
Hi, I have also booked onto this trip and really looking forward to it. I wonder how many other people are going?
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'IChris L' wrote:

Hi, I have also booked onto this trip and really looking forward to it.  I wonder how many other people are going?

I think we are a fairly small group from what I was told at the time of booking. 

This is my first solo holiday. I’m flying from Heathrow. I’m also wondering about the additionals - is it best to book in advance or actually when you arrive? What’s the norm? Sorry lots of questions!

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'IChris L' wrote:

Hi, I have also booked onto this trip and really looking forward to it.  I wonder how many other people are going?

I think we are a fairly small group from what I was told at the time of booking. 

This is my first solo holiday. I’m flying from Heathrow. I’m also wondering about the additionals - is it best to book in advance or actually when you arrive? What’s the norm? Sorry lots of questions!

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Chris L' wrote:

Hi, I have also booked onto this trip and really looking forward to it.  I wonder how many other people are going?

Hello Chris, I've been told that there will be 11 people on our trip; 9 ladies and 2 men between early 30s and 70s. 

Have you travelled with JY before? It's my first solo trip - so feeling quite excited mixed with a little apprehensive!

I look forward to meeting you on October 14th. 
