(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello, I am a 38 year old female who is looking to go on holiday next year myself but I am very nervous. Nervous because of my age and going myself.

All my friends and family are married with kids and I like going on holiday.

Please anyone with advise in what I should do?

  • (Member)
Hi sportyspice79

Welcome to the world of Just You!

First of all, let me reassure you in saying that you aren't the first person to feel nervous and you won't be the last.

If you were to go ahead and book a Just You trip, you may find yourself being the youngest in the group (I'm in my 30s too and on all except one trip I have been the youngest) but remember that age is just a number and its great to travel with like minded people who have more life experience to share - some of the stories you hear will simply amaze you!

I could ramble on, but lets be honest - I'm biased....I'll let the community share their thoughts with you and help you decide what to do.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi sporty spice

I agree with all what Julia has said...

I started using JY in 2006 I am now 57, I have travelled as near as Italy and as far as New Zealand and many countries in between. MY first tour was Boston New England and New York, which was brilliant. All tours have had breath taking moments or moments that touch my soul for many reasons. I have met great people along the way. Some tour group have been 40 people some have been smaller, I personally like about 30 People, you won't get on with every one that's just life. At the end of the day it's the tour your booking the people are a bonus.

Please give it a go you have nothing to lose and if you don't have fun you won't have to go again...but my feeling is once you have gone once you can't wait to book another. There will be a new brochure out soon so perhaps wait for that to go LIVE.

Happy travels


  • (Member)
Hi SportySpice,

I started travelling with JY when I turned 40 for similar reasons and have now done 15 tours!  I can honestly say I've travelled the world with JY and wouldn't have done so if it hadn't been for them.  I have enjoyed every single tour and have two more booked.  I have sometimes been the youngest in the group but there are definitely more younger folks travelling with JY these days.  As everyone here will tell you, age is just a state of mind and I have got on very well with people older than me on the tours.  Over the last seven years I have made many fantastic friends through JY, to the extent that we often plan holidays together these days.

I hope you book - it could well change your life, as it has done with me!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hiya, I'm in exactly the same position as you and 38 too. I've been on 4 JY holidays (started when I was 35 because I wanted to see more of the world) and have my 5th booked for this October. I've been with people of various ages and always had a great time.

I would definitely recommend trying it - pick somewhere you've always wanted to go and you'll be looking for the next adventure as soon as you're back!!

Best of luck with the holiday planning


Hi Sportyspice,

I'm 37 and in the same boat as you for exactly the same reasons. I went on my first JY holiday last year and absolutely loved it (Kenya Safari). I questioned myself for a long time over whether I could do it. I'm soooo glad I did. I had an amazing time and met some fantastic people, and have become good friends with some of them. Only a couple of months after coming back from my first trip I booked the second, which is now only five weeks away. I was one of the youngest on the first trip and believe I am the youngest on the next one. As others have said you are with like minded people so always have something in common due to the holiday you have picked. Compared to some people on here I'm a newbie to JY but I definitely think i'll be travelling with them for many years to come (providing the bank account can keep up).

Find somewhere you've always wanted to go and take the plunge. I did and I haven't regretted it. ?


Hi Sportyspice,

I'm 37 and have so far had one holiday with JY which I loved (NYC last September) and I am due to go on my second in October (Arizona Ranch), my only regret is that I didn't find JY sooner (I only discovered it via a work colleague last year).  I loved my trip to NYC and made a good friend which I still keep in touch with, she is similar age to me and I think we had one person who was younger on our trip but as others have said don't worry about the ages just pick a holiday you want to do and go for it.  I thought I would never get to NYC as I didn't have anybody to go with (friends either settled down and/or don't like flying so aren't interested in going to such places) I am so glad I did it and am planning my next visit.

It is nerve racking going alone but I met up with a fellow traveller the night before at a Heathrow hotel and we went to the airport together which I found really helped, unfortunately for my second trip my fellow travellers do not appear to be on the forum but do not let that put you off I'm still looking forward to my trip and counting down the days (was 7 weeks Sunday just gone).  I am also looking at the Eastern USA tour for my next JY holiday as that looks so interesting.

So as everybody says take the plunge, you will be nervous but once you meet people at the airport all the nerves disappear and you'll enjoy yourself.


Lady valour
Hi Sporty Spice,

I am 35 and went on my first JY holiday to Venice when I was 33 and absolutely loved it! I was the youngest of the group but never felt left out at all. All my friends are married with kids and I am single too so have no one to come on holiday with me. I have terrible anxiety and am so shy but I forced myself to do the trip and honestly it was the best thing I ever done for myself. I have booked to do the walking in Ireland trip in a few weeks and today decided to book Norway in Feb and Pompeii in July next year as they are places I have always wanted to visit. Thanks to JY I am able to do that safely in a group rather than going it completely alone. I think I will probably be the youngest on those trips also but that is no issue for me as age is just a number. All the worrying is pointless. If I can do it then anyone can. You will be absolutely fine and I guarantee you book another trip soon. For me though, I am more scared of the flights and it can make me so nervous that I think of cancelling and hope I don't. I wish you well and a happy, fun time wherever you go. xx

  • (Member)
Well done Lady Valour on not letting your anxiety get in the way of enjoying what you want to do.  I hope you go and enjoy all your trips.

Best wishes


Good Afternoon Rose,

At the moment, we don't "reserve" places as it is a first come, first served situation. However should someone call to book and there is something preventing the booking from being confirmed (i.e. the traveller has requested an upgrade, a tailor made extension, if we have returned flight seats or hotel rooms and need to re-purchase for example) we provisionally hold the place until all elements of the holiday can be confirmed.

Kind Regards,
