Cat Solo
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I've recently become single and thinking of the daunting prospect of holidaying alone, I've looked at a few of the holidays on this site, can anyone give me any pointers as to where to start ....
  • (Member)
'Cat wrote:

I've recently become single and thinking of the daunting prospect of holidaying alone, I've looked at a few of the holidays on this site, can anyone give me any pointers as to where to start ....


There are a lot of starting points:

How long can you go for

Can you get to Heathrow/Gatwick if there are no regional departures

Can you get a reasonable regional connection, road, rail, plane, to Heathrow/Gatwick if necessary.

What is your budget

How active do you want to be - generally the long haul are more active than short - but don't take this as written in stone

But most of all, where do want to go?

When you have sorted these out, then just book it and DON'T WORRY. You will be fine, everything will be taken care of for you, and unless you want to be alone, then you won't be.

Any other queries - just ask, someone will have the answer.



Angie in Lancs
'Cat wrote:

I've recently become single and thinking of the daunting prospect of holidaying alone, I've looked at a few of the holidays on this site, can anyone give me any pointers as to where to start ....

That is a very difficult question! It depends on what you want from a holiday but you need not be worried about being on your own with these holidays. You will find a good mix of people and the tour guides are with you all week to make sure everything runs smoothly.

There are so many to choose from that I'm sure you will find one that is right for you.

I would say look for one that goes from an airport you are familiar with.

Perhaps go on a taster weekend. Although I didn't do it I know some people want to dip their toe in first.


Have a lovely holiday where ever you go.

  • (Member)
Hello and welcome

I would add pick a destination you always wanted to visit and book it. Travelling with Just You is great. You get an opportunity to see lots of new places and meet people of all ages and experiences.


  • (Member)
Hi Cat Solo,

I found myself single some years ago and, like you, thought that it would be daunting to holiday alone. For a long time I thought that the travel industry just catered for couples ('price is based on 2 people sharing') and wasn't interested in single people unless they paid a huge single supplement for a dingy single room.

I subsequently came across JY and another singles company in 2010, and since then I've been on 7 holidays with 2 more booked this year. It has allowed me to see and do things that I never thought I would (see the sunrise over the Nile from a hot air balloon, visit Abu Simbel, see Table Mountain in Cape Town, visit the Cape of Good Hope, see a lioness with three cubs a few feet away in Kruger National Park, fly over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter....the list goes on).

As for where to start, I would agree with Jaya that you should pick somewhere you've always wanted to visit....for me that was always the Nile cruise. Perhaps you have an interest that could be catered for on a particular tour (eg natural world = safari, scenery/mountains = USA national get the idea I'm sure).

I can't advise you on the taster weekends because I didn't take that option, but I would say don't be too put off if your preferred destination doesn't depart from your local airport - JY may be able to offer you a connecting flight or you could always use National Express coaches to travel to the airport for a reasonable price (JY do a good deal with National Express which I've used on 2 occasions previously and will use again this year).

Booking that first holiday is always a little daunting, but it can be exciting too, so pick somewhere you've always wanted to visit, be that near or far, and go for it! You will never be alone unless you want to be and you will meet lots of friendly people. I still keep in touch with someone I met on that first Nile cruise holiday in 2010.

All the best


  • (Member)
So many things to consider - short or long haul? a few days or much longer? revisit somewhere you know you like or go for it and have a big adventure? Whatever you choose I think you can be confident that you will have a great time and meet friendly people because you will have two things in common with everyone - you are all travelling alone for whatever reason and you have all chosen the same holiday. Don't hesitate any longer, just decide where to go and get on with it. You really won't regret it.
Cat Solo
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Guys, thank you all for your replies, I've been on the web site every day, but think I'm going to pluck up the courage and 'Go For It' !! Just realised the Crete holiday is with another singles company!!! On this site have looked at Sorrento and the Bay of Naples or don't know whether to go further and look at the USA San Francisco/ Los Angeles trip. Anybody been on either of these?? Any help would be appreciated.
  • (Member)

You will like Sorrento. I have been there a few years ago, but not with Just You.


'Cat wrote:

Hi Guys, thank you all for your replies, I've been on the web site every day, but think I'm going to pluck up the courage and 'Go For It' !! Just realised the Crete holiday is with another singles company!!! On this site have looked at Sorrento and the Bay of Naples or don't know whether to go further and look at the USA San Francisco/ Los Angeles trip. Anybody been on either of these?? Any help would be appreciated.

Dear Cat Solo

I took the plunge last November and had a fantastic trip to Jordan (find my reviews elsewhere in the forum). Loved the desert especially. So I have just booked Sorrento (dept Jul2) and excited about Vesuvius and Pompei, but whole thing looks lovely. I was surprised to find how nervous I was booking, even the second time around (had to have two goes at picking the phone up!), but the staff are lovely and very helpful. As, everyone says, go for it! You do bump into fellow travellers with matching travel tags before you even get on the plane. Some will not have travelled with JY before, but many are returnees and you get to meet so many interesting folks as well as sun, scenery etc etc.

Good Luck

Mary Dee

Ann C
  • (Member)
Hello Cat Solo,

I agree that the best thing to do is go somewhere you really want to go. I have been on two Just You trips, for the first trip I decided to go to Luxembourg because is was a short trip and didn't involve a flight as I didn't fancy flying on my own. For my second trip I did the Canadian Rockies and Vancouver tour (which was wonderful) and it made me realised that the destination is more important than distance. (Not saying I didn't enjoy the Luxembourg trip as I did, but it wasn't a place that was on my radar).

Kind regards


Hi Cat Solo

I have recently booked my first solo trip. It took me a while to decide where to go as there is so much choice! I've opted for the highlights of Tuscany tour in September flying from Manchester (for ease) and once booked I am actually more excited than nervous. So go for it, I'm sure we won't regret it!

All the best


Cat Solo
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, am thinking of booking on to the Sorrento & Bay of Naples tour either 10th Sept or 24th Sept, is there anybody out there who have also booked or have already done this tour? This would be my first trip so have been agonising over it for weeks!!!! Just need that confidence to actually do it!!
  • (Member)
Hi there,

I booked my first Just You holiday a fortnight ago; I had been trying to psyche myself up for a few weeks and I'm sure that is quite common! I was nervous when I booked it but since the booking confirmation has arrived I am starting to feel a bit more excited :)

I am booked on the Highlights of Tuscany tour in September. If you can focus on the destination and how great It will be to visit, that will help you overcome the nerves to make the booking!
