Have you thought about booking a cheap hotel room for the night and travelling on public transport the next day? There are usually 'deals' to be had at hotels near airports.
Hi Jenny
The £130 is the RETURN taxi fare as I will be travelling over to Manchester the day before and staying as its an early flight. I am not far away, Sheffield actually but would have to get up in the middle of the night AND the Pennines are often blocked with accidents,fog etc so I wouldnt sleep worring. I usually drive,hotel and park etc but as I said we land at midnight after a very long day
Thankyou ALL for your suggestions and I will tip if I get good service
Yours Sue
I have the same problem when going to Gatwick, but having tried the train, struggled on the underground across London with a large suitcase, that's no joke. Also tried National Express, they dumped me in a deserted Hemel Hempstead in the wee small hours of the morning with nowhere to sit except a bus shelter, for an hour waiting for a connection. Hang the expense, I take a taxi!