  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all, 

so today i started to get provisional times through for flights to LA and it really kicked in that this is happening to little old me ::) counted back the last time i went on holiday and its been 13 years maybe a little longer, i am so looking forward to this. so couple of things - 

1: for those who are booked on in November for the above trip, hello fellow travelers, look forward to sharing a drink or two with you all and just generally chatting, it should be fun 🙂. i am 38 years of age and still have a little youth on my side but being a group exercise coach i on some days feel old!! lol 🙂. I enjoy running and one of my bucket list things to do is run the golden gate bridge so I will get to tick that off this year 🙂. anyhow i look forward to traveling with you, going to be awesome. 

2: Just you, amazing lady holder of numbers person 🙂  how many is currently booked on this trip at this very early stage? just curious?

for those going i will see you all in November in London 🙂.

Good Afternoon Philuk49,

You flatter me 🙂

There are currently 5 travellers booked on this tour which is really good at this stage.

Kind Regards,
