  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is my first time with Just You, having lost my husband just 7 weeks ago. I would be grateful to know what others have experienced on a trip to Iceland and any advice they may like to give please? Its a bit nerve wracking finding yourself alone and being keen on travel and exploration. But also who wants to be the +1 on family and friends holidays where they bolt you on to be kind as nice as their intentions are? Anyway I have decided to travel alone now and was so thrilled to find JY and read comments from others who have been in my position!


Welcome Jill,

It's lovely to see new people joining us on the community. Sorry to hear about your loss, hopefully Iceland and some welcoming fellow travellers will be perfect for you.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Jill, I did this wonderful tour in March this year - here's a link to my review:


My only gripe is that it was not long enough! Iceland is a wonderful country with unique scenery and the most incredible food. You will have a fantastic time, I'm sure.

Welcome to JY!

All the best,


Jilly Windy Miller
Hello Jill

I too am on this trip, my third with JY, I'm sure you'll be fine. We are going to be a group of 'Jills', my name is Jill and my friend who is coming too is also a Jill! I don't envy the tour manager. I have only heard good things about Iceland so really looking forward to it.

'JillyMac' wrote:

This is my first time with Just You, having lost my husband just 7 weeks ago. I would be grateful to know what others have experienced on a trip to Iceland and any advice they may like to give please? Its a bit nerve wracking finding yourself alone and being keen on travel and exploration. But also who wants to be the +1 on family and friends holidays where they bolt you on to be kind as nice as their intentions are? Anyway I have decided to travel alone now and was so thrilled to find JY and read comments from others who have been in my position!


Hi Jilly

I am so sorry for your loss, it must still be very very raw. I am in the same position having lost my DH 9 months ago and understand how difficult it is for you. Have been trying to read up on other people's experiences going solo and all seem positive. I hope you have a great time and look forward to reading about it


  • (Member)
Hi Jilly Mac and ann2201,

I went through all those emotions a few years ago. It took months of looking at JY holidays and reading the messages on the forum for me to pluck up the courage to book the first holiday on my own. Once the deed was done there was no turning back! It was the best thing I could have done. I've met some lovely people, have made good friends and have been on great holidays.

Well done Jilly Mac for taking the plunge and booking Iceland. It sounds like a great holiday. Enjoy!

Ann, it really is a positive experience. Hope to hear where choose for your first JY holiday.


Hi Jill,

First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about your sad loss. :-(

I did the Iceland trip in November 2015.

My partner is sick with skin cancer and I needed to get away from the stress and strain and the Iceland trip is exactly what I needed.

This is a fantastic break away so please don't be nervous.

You are looked after so well.

1. The food is amazing. Mainly fish or lamb but there are vegetarian options if need be.

2. Locals are very friendly and all speak English.

3. Hotel was amazing, but did find the rooms a little dark. I couldn’t get the air con off at night, because the switch was so stiff. Luckily a piece of blue tack held the switch back so I could sleep without the noise.

4. The hotel’s hot water smells of sulphur but you CAN drink the cold water, even though the info you receive says you can't.

5. The excursions are amazing.

6. Restaurants were hot inside so make sure you can take off a layer or 2.

7. When we went we had lovely weather. Sunny, no rain, no snow.

8. All places take credit cards. I took £400 in Icelandic money with me which was far too much money. In the end I bought a couple of expensive items from the reception display cabinet as the exchange rate wasn’t good, so I thought I will spend what I can.

9. Iceland is quite expensive. I think a pint of beer was £7. Not sure how much a glass of wine was.

10. We got confused with how the shower worked in the hotel, so in advance I will tell you. At the end of the tap there is a ring, pull it down to convert the tap to shower. Many of us had baths the 1st morning as we couldn’t figure out the shower.

11. You have to buy your own food on the plane.

You do a lot of coach traveling and I found that I had too many layers on and got very hot in the coach, so take thin layers.

I had a thick, heavy coat which was cumbersome to carry around everywhere.

Blue Lagoon - do it. So amazing to relax in the hot mineral waters.

The old Geyser's. There may be some ice here, so take suitable boots that can grip.

The Golden Circle. WOOOOOW.

Northern Lights. WOOOOOW. Late at night so take warm clothing like thermals and a warm coat.

The Icelandic scenery is amazing. You will be blown away.

My main worry was finding my way around Heathrow Airport, but there were 2 people there. 1 holding up a JY folder and directing you to the booking in desk. The 2nd JY person was our rep. He booked me in. The good thing is our rep came to Iceland with us. He was with us all the time. Fantastic. I felt safe and knew he would be there if anything happened.

Then you have an Icelandic tour rep on all the coach trips. She was brilliant.

The hotel is a short walk to the sea front. I teamed up with Rosemary and we had a lovely walk exploring.

This Icelandic break will be something to look forward to and you will come back wanting more of Iceland.

Have a fantastic time.

Julie C xxx

  • (Member)
Hi Jill

First of all so sorry to hear about your sad loss and welcome to Just You. You have done the right thing by booking the holiday to Iceland. The first step is always the hardest, but life has to go on no matter what. You will have a wonderful holiday with Just You and once you are back will want to book another one. There is nothing to worry about as everything is taken care of and you will be travelling with other like minded people.

Have a great time.
