Mary mc
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Hello my name is Mary & I'm a new member I live in the Midlands uk, I would really love to go to America on holiday, perhaps a touring one. I celebrate my big 70th birthday this year I am in good physical health & want to go with an over 50's group.

I am a complete amateur at this & not sure where to go from here. Ideally I would like to chat/get to know other members before I book. Am planning to travel Sept/Oct 2015? Anyone planning a similar trip, please get in touch.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Kind regards

Mary Mc.:)

  • (Member)
Hello and welcome Mary,

I have been on many USA tours with JY, Boston and New England and New York twice, Memphis and Nashville, Florida, East Coastliner and I can recommend all of these to you. There can be some early starts on these tours and you are on the go here there and everywhere but you will see and do so much. the USA tours include breakfast but not normally dinner and tea, so you will need money for that as well as money for optional trips and souvenirs etc.

If and when you known which tour you fancy going on if you post in the editors section on this site Julia will be able to give you m/f ratio age range and how many are going, If you have any other questions please just ask. You will have great fun and see and do so much whilst meeting new friends..


Hi Mary,

A couple of things - I am 68 and have done the National Parks trip and had a brilliant time. Most people were over 50 but the tour did not have any age restrictions. Am booked to go on the Canada & New England trip in September and looking forward to it whatever the ages of the travellers.

If you are unsure pick a trip and then 'phone Just You and ask how many currently booked, how many men/women and the age ranges. They have always given me the info - e.g. 10 men + 8 women ages 45 - 75 You will then be able to see if you want to be part of the trip.

You are no alone in being apprehensive. Big Birthday, Big Trip- go for it, you will never this young again or possibly this fit. Book and prepare to enjoy yourself. Take care

  • (Member)
hi mary im going to the America and Canada fall trip in sept im not sure theres a age limit.but think ave age is 50
Mick W
Just You dont do age groups so in theory it wont be a an over 50's group. Saying that n my experience the majority of travellers will be between 50 and 70 with maybe a sprinkling younger and a few older than 70.

There are plenty of posts about ages on here but if you ask Julia (in ask the editor) he will tell you the age range of those already booked on any particular holiday.


Hi Mary

I am in my early 60s and have been travelling with JY since 2010. I have done,and can recommend, either the Golden West or the New England and Canada trip. Both involve quite a bit of travelling but you see so much. Group numbers vary and age range can be from 20s to 80s. There are a number of reviews posted on both these tours which should give you a flavour of what to expect.

Hope this helps


Hi Mary

Welcome to Just You. You've made a good choice in wanting to go to the USA. I've done Route 66 with JY and I'm going on the Canada and New England with the New York add on on September 23rd. The tours are great and you meet some great people of all ages. Not just people over 50 as some are younger too. You are very well looked after by your tour manager and unless you want to be you're never alone.

Hope you get to chose a tour and get to the USA.


Hi Mary - I'm booked on Route 66 this May and I can't wait!

This is to celebrate a particular birthday :rolleyes:

Hi Mary, I am 71, I did American Golden West in 2013, and Chicago to New Orleans Oct 2014. both fantastic tours, a fab way to see America. I have some wonderful memories and great photos.


  • (Member)
Hi Mary,

I've been on two of JY's American holidays (National Parks and Hawaii) together with tours to South Africa, China, Jordan and Iceland.

I can recommend all of the tours I've done but the USA National Parks has to be my favourite so far. Stunning scenery, history and the bright lights of Vegas for a night at the end - absolutely brilliant!

JY have made some improvements to the Hawaii trip since I went (most notably to the travel arrangements by flying direct to San Diego on the outbound journey and having 4 nights on Maui instead of 3), so I can recommend that as well.

As Lesley07 has suggested, you might also like to consider the Golden West tour if you're planning to travel in Sept/Oct time. I haven't done this trip myself but if you look in the 'reviews' section I'm sure you'll find some very positive comments from people who have done this trip in the past.

Hope this helps you come to a decision.



  • (Member)
Hi Mary

Don't worry about ages etc. just go ahead and book the trip and have fun. Life is too short so try and get as much out of it as possible. Have a wonderful 70th birthday, hopefully on one of the American tours.


Mary mc
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'fleurbyfleur' wrote:

Hi Mary - I'm booked on Route 66 this May and I can't wait!

This is to celebrate a particular birthday :rolleyes:

Hi flleurbyfleur, thanks for your reply, I would love to do Route 66 but I couldn't do it in May, my particular birthday is in June and I already have arrangements with my family, I am looking at September/ October, but I would be grateful if you would let me know all about it when you return, enjoy your trip, Mary Mc.

Mary mc
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Jaya, I intend to go for it, I would just like to meet some others who will be on the same trip.i did do a memphis trip on my own, which was ok, but it would have been so much nicer if I had had a buddy.
  • (Member)
Hi Mary

Not everyone who books uses the forum, but you can place a posting after booking your trip and hopefully someone on the same trip will reply and you can get to know each other before the travel date. I am sure you will find a 'buddy' from the group of Just You travellers on the same trip!
