(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone

Like most people I have a bucket list of places I wish to visit and I was wondering about other peoples list and to compare them to my own.

I've booked for Canada and New England with the New York add on in September which ticks 2 more off my list. I've done the whole Disney holiday which and going back there again this May.

I have other places on my list that I hope to visit and JY do tours in these places.

Italy, the Carribean, Hawaii and Australia and New Zealand are on my list and I hope to visit them with JY over the next few years.

What's on your bucket list?


  • (Member)

I have finished my bucket list how lucky am I..

Australia to see Ayres Rock

New Zealand to see the stunning landscape and Milford Sound

U.S.A. to many placed to mention but Martin Luther King history and cival rights movement, Graceland Nashville Music, Key West, NYC and on and on....

Kenya to see elephants and many other animals living FREE!!!

I can honestley say there is no where else I MUST go to I have been very lucky to achieve my dreams.

On your list I have been to Tuscany, Barbados, and Hawaii all not all with JY


  • (Member)
Hi Paul,

I caught the travel bug a few years ago and it might be easier to list the (few) places I don't particularly want to visit! Having said that, at the top of my list would be, in no particular order:


New Zealand









and various parts of the US I haven't visited yet including Alaska and New England!

I have visited many parts of the world over the last five years thanks to JY - South America, South Africa and Zambia, Vietnam and Cambodia to mention but a few. It's opened up a whole new world for me and I am very grateful! Hopefully I'll get to visit a few more countries on my list over the next few years!



Hi Paul

I have been working my way through my bucket list since I took early retirement in 2009. So far I have ticked off China, India, west coast of the USA and New England and Canada. Have travelled to various places in Europe but lots more to see. Would like to visit Egypt, New Zealand, South Africa, Peru and the west coast of Canada.

Am returning to India-Kerala-this year.

Happy travelling


  • (Member)
I would love to travel more of usa and Canada also go to Italy. . Another is also go to Australia and New Zealand. . Maybe for that I go next year
Funnily enough I was just talking with my son about this the other day!

We limited ourselves to five places. Mine were: Costa Rica, Canada West Coast, Canada Eastern Provinces, Chile from bottom to top, Brazil / Ignazu Falls. I am going to Tanzania this summer otherwise that would be on there as well.

He chose Italy, Antarctica (why???), Peru (Machu Picu), South Africa, South East Asia (rather broad I said)

How on earth has he has got to 27 and never been to Italy ?

Now I'm trying to narrow down the next five ....

I have been lucky enough to see all the amazing places you list Paul. I guess I'm few years older than you! The trouble is that I keep adding places I would never have dreamt I could visit to my list. Tibet and Vietnam/Cambodia are very near the top at the moment. I have been well and truly bitten by the travel bug.
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy

You're so lucky to have finished your bucket list. I guess everywhere else you visit now is a bonus.

If my plans work out I maybe visit Australia for my 60th in a few years time. Hawaii and the carribean I'm hoping to do within the next 5 years.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bob

That's a pretty impressive list and I hope you manage to visit them all. Australia and New Zealand is on a lot of people's list. The Far East doesn't interest me nor does South America. I may still visit those places though. I have a thing now with the USA thanks to JY. I did Route 66 with them and I fell in love with the country. Can't see me going anywhere else just yet.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley

Some good places on your list too. I'm really looking forward to Canada and New England this September. Having read a few reviews of the tour I must say it sounds really good. I've done a few countries in Europe myself and will visit a few more no doubt over the next few years.

I hope you enjoy India later this year.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Wanny

Wow your list is almost the same as mine. Australia does look amazing and I really hope I can get there.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi RosieMo

Canada on your list sounds good for me. I like the look of the Canada by rail holidays I've seen. Travelling the whole of the country on a train. South America doesn't appeal too much to me but you never know I may visit there 1 day. As for you son being 27 and never been to Italy. Well I'm 52 and I've never been there too. Lol.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sarah

There's nothing wrong in adding places to your list. I must say when I watch a movie or a TV programme from other countries I somethimes think about going there.

I remember watching Billy Connollys Tour of Australia on TV a few years ago. Since then I've always wanted to visit there myself.

While you have the travel bug enjoy it while it lasts. There's a whole world out there waiting.

Paul b

Mick W
Hi Paul,

Thats not a easy question I've so many on my list but will say one of my ambitions is to visit every continent at some stage.

Fancy seeing Cuba before Starbucks and Macdonalds arrive so really should get on in sorting that one.

Argentina and Chile is tempting me but maybe not this year, we'll see. Much the same with Australia,its a must do but when who knows.

Africa its got to be South Africa for me but not top of the list.

Seriously thinking of doing China this year, like the look of the JY holiday and people who i've spoke to thats been really rate it.

So any places, so little time.


Hi Paul,

I was considering the train trip across Canada, but a friend of mine has relatives who live in Vancouver and have done that trip and they said that the central section is really dull (this is from Canadians!) which is why I've now decided on separate trips! Also JY do a Western Canada holiday which may fit the bill.

Mick - you MUST get to Cuba asap, it is amazing, so much music and so interesting. Trinidad, on the south coast, is such a beautiful town. No advertising, anywhere, very refreshing!

My son has the same continental ambition as you, hence his choice of Antarctica.


  • (Member)
'Littlepaul66' wrote:

Hi Bob

That's a pretty impressive list and I hope you manage to visit them all. Australia and New Zealand is on a lot of people's list. The Far East doesn't interest me nor does South America. I may still visit those places though. I have a thing now with the USA thanks to JY. I did Route 66 with them and I fell in love with the country. Can't see me going anywhere else just yet.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply but I wouldn't rule out South America, I did the TS Chile, Argentina and Brazil tour just over two years ago - JY now do an identical tour and it was amazing! I will never forget the hairpin bends and stunning scenery as we went over the Andes, the fantastic wine tastings in Santiago and Mendoza, visiting a ranch and seeing a tango show in Buenos Aires, the incredible Iguazu Falls (world's largest) and the excitement of Rio, again in a stunning location! I really recommend it - definitely in my top three holidays ever!



  • (Member)
'Mick wrote:

Hi Paul,

Thats not a easy question I've so many on my list but will say one of my ambitions is to visit every continent at some stage.

Fancy seeing Cuba before Starbucks and Macdonalds arrive so really should get on in sorting that one.

Argentina and Chile is tempting me but maybe not this year, we'll see. Much the same with Australia,its a must do but when who knows.

Africa its got to be South Africa for me but not top of the list.

Seriously thinking of doing China this year, like the look of the JY holiday and people who i've spoke to thats been really rate it.

So any places, so little time.


Hi Mick, out of the countries you mention I've done quite a few of them and I really recommend South Africa, my best holiday ever, and the Chile/Argentina/Brazil tours - both of them beat China hands down in my humble opinion!



  • (Member)

I'm extremely lucky that I have visited 48 countries so far - must make it to 50!

Countries still on my list are:

Namibia, Burma, Borneo, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Tibet, Kerala, Galapagos, Ethiopia - I could go on and on!



(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mick

You're one of the lucky ones in that you get to travel quiet a lot. Cuba sounds good I must admit. Might do that myself. South America has some good places but also some bad ones. Not made my mind up yet if I would go there. I've read the reviews from China and it does sound like a great trip. Africa again I'm not sure about.

Enjoy your travels Mick


Hi Paul,

My bucket list (so far) consists of Burma, Bhutan, Galapagos, Japan, China & Tibet (which I'm doing in May!), Australia and like Mick I'd like to visit Cuba before the influx of chains takes over! I'd like to do all the states in America, having done quite a few so far there are many more I;d like to try. the list is endless really.


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