  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I am new to JY and a first time solo traveler.

Looking through the brochure I have selected a few holidays that take my fancy, however the 'Magnificent Lake Garda' ticks all the boxes for me as a first time solo traveler.

I do have concerns about the negative reviews I am reading for the hotel accommodation and food provided, also the conflicting information between the brochure and the website regarding the accommodation. The 2015/16 Brochure states the accommodation as the Hotel Bel Soggiorno in Maderno but the website states Hotel Villa Montefiori, which is the correct hotel? On review, both hotels appear to be 'tired' and the food does not rate highly, which for a holiday which includes 5 dinners may prove disappointing. I would appreciate anyfeed back anyone can give me please.

Many thanks

  • (Member)
Hi Newgirl

I have not been to Lake Garda so can't really comment on the hotel and food. I take most reviews with a pinch of salt as everyone's views differ. If you want to find out which hotel, then why don't you call customer services? When I go on holiday, I travel with an open mind and alway go with the thought that it is not going to be 'home'. This way I have never ever been disappointed and have enjoyed all 6 Just You holidays I have been on. I do not let little things bother me - life is too short and I try to enjoy it as much as I can.



I did hear someone on a recent trip (not to Lake Garda) saying that the hotel for the Lake Garda trip has been changed recently because of the feedback received.

I am thinking of doing this trip in May, so I would also appreciate some info on what the situation is regarding the hotel and some up-to-date feedback.

I always fill in my post-holiday questionnaire carefully, so it would be reassuring to think that JY take our feedback into account when planning for the next year's tours.

  • (Member)
Hello All,

Be careful with hotels, I have just returned from Heart and Soul of America and the hotels in Chicago and St Louis did not fare well on Trip Advisor. They were great and close to where you needed to be. The one in New Orleans , while ok was 15 minutes from the main town and you walked or got a taxi back especially at night !

I was on the Lake Garda tour in June 2011. Our hotel at Moniga was changed due to our reaction after we returned. I think it gets changed very often by the sound of it :P
