  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi there all

after what seems like a never ending stream of illnesses and bereavements

I have somewhat lost my nerve about stepping out into the big wide world. Determined to conquer my growing midlife angst I am taking a deep breath and preparing to join a Just You holiday. There is nothing worse than limiting your life through fear so I am determined to do this, Can anyone relate to this hesitation and can anyone get me inspired and brave and give me the kick up he butt I need? What or were would you recommend. I am already well travelled but I have so much more to see and do.

thank you for your time ...happy travels Nikki x

Hi Nikki

A JY holiday is the perfect way to ease you back in to 'the big bad world'. You only have to worry about getting to the airport, after that everything is looked after for you - the Tour Manager is there to sort out any problems and to make sure that no one gets left on their own (unless they want to be!). Your fellow travelling companions will be from a variety of backgrounds but will all have a sense of adventure and the desire to have fun whilst seeing the world.

Have a look through the brochure and see if there is somewhere you have always wanted to go - a dream destination - then pick up the phone and book it. You are bound to be nervous in the weeks leading up to the holiday but that is perfectly natural, we all have a degree of nerves no matter how many trips we have done. Think to yourself that if all else fails, atleast you will get to see somewhere you have always wanted to go. Also, you may be able to get in touch with other travellers on this forum before you go and arrange to meet at the airport.

Well done for getting this far and posting on the forum - just one more step to take and you're there!


Do it! Without a doubt the enjoyment of an overseas adventure is more intense with a "one to one" partner but my first holiday with JU proved that the next best thing is experience new sights with an (inevitably) friendly group of fellow holiday makers all with the same goal- seeing the country. The worst possible option is no holiday, no experience and nothing to look forward to.

Sorry to hear that you have had a trying time.

I did my first JY trip in 2010. Had taken early retirement and found myself with the time and money to make a start on my wish list! My first trip was to China. Have also been to west coast of America, India and last year I did the Canada and New England tour, all with JY. I really enjoyed them all and travelled with groups of interesting people. I recently went on trip to Apulia. This is an interesting region of Italy, very different fro others I have visited in the past.

My advice is to have a look at the brochure, choose a destination and go for it. You will be apprehensive at first, I certainly was, but you will soon relax when you meet your travelling companions. Let me know where you decide to go



  • (Member)

I agree with the others...Just go for it, the new brochure is out so just see which one jumps out to you and then book it...

I have done 10 tours and 11th is booked, so many different styles to choose from I go for the full on tours mostley but I have also done Tuscany and Austria and Poland which were more gentle..

Any questions about a tour just ask and someone will no doubt have an answer...

Good Luck and a kick up the butt coming your way!


  • (Member)
Hi Nikki

Just pick up a brochure or look online and pick a destination and book it. You will have no regrets. Life is too short and is for living. So go on and enjoy seeing the world.


  • (Member)
Hello Nikki,

So far I have seen Jordan, Sinai and Cairo- not covered by Just You after the Arab uprising, Lake Garda, then last year I went on Heart of Alpine Europe followed by Jacobite trains in Scotland. In 3 weeks I am of to the Heart and Soul of America,followed by Flanders tour next May. Most places I have never been to and it has been a magical 4 years. I am a widow and my daughters sometimes come on holidays with me, I use Just You for me time, they know I am safe and well cared for.


Hi Nikki

I am new to JY and am thinking of booking a holiday next year and looking at Andalucia. Have had two years of breavements myself and now my partner has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. I have not had a holiday for two years and now have reached the point where I am so ready for a bit of sunshine and enjoyment. I live in Midlands area and so if I take the plunge I will be flying from East Midlands Airport.

there all

after what seems like a never ending stream of illnesses and bereavements

I have somewhat lost my nerve about stepping out into the big wide world. Determined to conquer my growing midlife angst I am taking a deep breath and preparing to join a Just You holiday. There is nothing worse than limiting your life through fear so I am determined to do this, Can anyone relate to this hesitation and can anyone get me inspired and brave and give me the kick up he butt I need? What or were would you recommend. I am already well travelled but I have so much more to see and do.

thank you for your time ...happy travels Nikki x

  • (Member)
Hi Karen

So sorry to hear that you partner has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. You will love Andalucia. Mijas is a lovely village and this holiday is a nice relaxing one. Have a nice time.
