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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I'm 55 years old and been widowed for just a year now and feel increasingly the need to take that step - am thinking of Italy. The difficulty however is being on my own I'm apprehensive of taking that step and would be interested to hear from others and their experiences.

I suppose really my big worry is that, having always travelled with my wife, travelling now on my own I'll find that everybody else knows each other and that it will be difficult to fit in. So I suppose what I'm really interested to hear is, generally are there people like me genuinely travelling on their own as opposed to with someone or groups of people who all know each other in advance? Probably not explaining myself very well and hope this makes sense!


  • (Member)
Hello and welcome to you pganders

I have been on 6 JY holidays and have 1 booked. I did infact do my 1st tour with my Mother In law as she had become widowed so I went along with her to give her the confidence to travel alone I love her dearly but, she and we need space at times. On that trip I met a lady who I have since done another USA tour with. Then on a Poland trip I meet two ladies, 1 I have travelled to Kenya with and 1 I am travelling to Tuscany with...What I am trying to say is maybe NOT every one will be on there OWN as such, but the over whelming majority will be single travellers. I would also say even when I travel with someone I know ,WE do mix around with people and join in we do not stay joined at the hip so to speak. as to stay in a close twosome would be rude I think. I also do STILL travel on my OWN.

The Ladies always out number the men, so we do/can try to fuss over you men, so your not left out of the loop.

I hope you dip your foot in the water and give it a go.


Mick W
  • (Member)

From what I've seen on the two JY holidays I've done so far is the vast majority of people DON'T know each other in fact I can only think of one pair of ladies on my first trip that were actually friends.

I'm certain you'll find virtually everyone the same as yourself and you'll soon make friends on whichever holiday you choose.

The majority of people seem to be in their 50's and 60's although there are younger and older, I'd say men seem to be from 40's to 70's while the ladies 20's to 70's.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thats geeat, thanks for the advice.

The more I consider it the more I think I'll go for it.