  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, Never been on holiday on my own and considering the Jordan trip in September 2014.

Just wondered if there is anyone else who is considering this?

  • (Member)
Hi Damion,

I've Jordan booked for November and it should be a great trip! I hope you book and have a great time. If you do go, be sure to write up a review when you get back!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Damion

I went to Jordan in September 2009, my first Just You holiday, and had a great time. Do book it as you will love Jordan - the itinerary has changed slightly. Petra is awesome. I only booked Jordan because of Petra, but loved everything about the country.


  • (Member)
Like Jaya, I have been to Jordan, Sinai and the Pyramids in 2010. Long trip but ticked all my boxes. Loved Jordan and the cave hotel at Petra. Fond memories of waking at dawn listening to the Muezzin, getting up early with a cup of tea-perfect peace :thumbup:


Marion Louise Weatherley
'DamionA' wrote:

Hi, Never been on holiday on my own and considering the Jordan trip in September 2014.

Just wondered if there is anyone else who is considering this?

Hi Damion

I am going on this trip on September 6th, really looking forward to it. This will be my

fourth trip with JY. You will have a great time most people are on there own. all ages

and back grounds..you will make friends quickly and after a couple of days a real bond developers within the group. Nothing is nicer than having a week or two with

like minded people, soaking up the culture of these beautiful countries..

Hope you have booked it, if so see you there

Regards Marion