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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have just returned from another excellent JY tour, though this was the first tour using the new itinerary.

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 1 - UK to Amman - we did not arrive in Jordan until after midnight so I did not get to bed until around 2.30am and was up again at 6.30am. I had met our excellent tour guide Jennie at Heathrow and, since we had lounge passes, most of the group prior to leaving the UK, which put me at ease. The visa process was very smooth and all staff in the UK and Jordan very efficient.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 2 - Amman. Due to time constraints we did not do a walking tour or visit the Wild Jordan Centre. We began by visiting the Mosque (clothing is provided for covering-up), followed by a visit to the Citadel, then onto Jerash which took a good 2-3 hours to explore. We then headed out by coach for a short ride to a nearby restaurant for local dishes (the food was excellent and I tried the local drink of lime and mint which was lovely and refreshing).[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 3 - Drove to Petra area visiting Mount Nebo for interesting guided tour and lovely views though it was a bit hazy on the day we visited. We then moved onto Madaba to visit St George’s church and the beautiful mosaic map, followed by lunch. We did not have time to do the advertised mosaic making, but visited a workshop instead with shopping opportunities. Before reaching Petra we stopped at Shobak to see what is left of the castle and have a short comfort stop. We arrived at the hotel with 1/2 an hour for dinner before heading out on the optional Petra by Night tour. This involved a 1/2 hour walk each way on rough terrain in the dark (take walking shoes and torch), then sit in front of the Treasury which is in total darkness, the Bedouin then sing/play 3 songs before the Treasury is lit up for about 5 minutes at the end, they serve sweet tea during the performance. I thought there would be more to the excursion, but I got some stunning photos of the Treasury in various colours.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 4 - Petra. An early start for a long day in Petra. I walked in which took longer today as we had our guide with us and there was much more to see in daylight than the previous night. Some chose to go to the Treasury by horse and cart (cost 30 JD return including tip between 2 people and well worth it). After reaching the Treasury you can continue walking as Petra is such a huge site and there are loads of things to see - much more than most of us had anticipated. I, along with another lady, managed to get up to the church and see the mosaic flooring, and another managed to see the Monastery, which also looked amazing from the picture I saw. The coach took us back to the hotel at 4 and most of the group left at 5:30 to go out and make their dinner locally, but myself and a few others chose to stay at the hotel and paid for our evening meal there instead of rushing back out again. [/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 5 - left to drive to Wadi Rum, stopping on the way at a Bedouin camp for lunch - this was lovely and our fabulous guide gave us a fascinating insight into life as a Bedouin. Arrived in Wadi Rum and went to our tents/domes, 10 minutes later most of us re-emerged like excited children to gaze around us in awe at the beautiful desert/mountains, and the red sand. Again some of us had 1/2 an hour for dinner before going in jeeps for a short ride to the optional stargazing. We assumed we’d be lying on blankets in the middle of the desert gazing up at the stars while having a guide explain everything to us, but it was actually a visit to an observatory nearby where we had a very interesting presentation about the universe (I still can’t get my head around light years and galaxies), followed by a look through one of three telescopes, it was amazing to see Jupiter, Saturn, etc, it didn’t seem real, but was a great experience.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 6 - departed the desert after having our breakfast outside, drove to the Dead Sea. Arrived mid-afternoon and quickly settled into the hotel, many taking full advantage of a float in the Dead Sea followed by covering themselves with mud before showering and leaving the beach - jelly shoes would be a good idea as there are pebbles leading into the sea. That evening there was entertainment in the form of a belly dancer, and alcoholic drinks were available.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 7 - left at 1pm to drive to Amman, stopping on the way for another shopping opportunity before arriving back in Amman early afternoon. Had a farewell dinner this evening in a lovely hilltop restaurant.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]A few things I would change - I think the night in Petra tour was a bit disappointing, the only good thing about it is the last five minutes when they light the Treasury up, and it’s a lot at the end of a long day. I think JY need to consider the large distances involved as some items stated in the brochure were missed out as there was just not enough time to fit them all in. I think another day in Wadi Rum is needed to make more of the area, most of us would have loved to have gone out in jeeps to explore the desert as we didn’t really see it, our local guide remarked on this too. Possibly an extra day in Amman as it all felt a bit rushed and there is so much to see there.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]All in all this was a fabulous tour and our guides Jennie and Salah, and bus driver, were all excellent. Jordan is an amazing country, and the people are so friendly and will do anything for you. I couldn’t fault any of the hotels, the staff in them, or the food, which was also amazing. I would thoroughly recommend Jordan as well worth a visit.[/font][/font]

'magpie10' wrote:

I have just returned from another excellent JY tour, though this was the first tour using the new itinerary.

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 1 - UK to Amman - we did not arrive in Jordan until after midnight so I did not get to bed until around 2.30am and was up again at 6.30am. I had met our excellent tour guide Jennie at Heathrow and, since we had lounge passes, most of the group prior to leaving the UK, which put me at ease. The visa process was very smooth and all staff in the UK and Jordan very efficient.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 2 - Amman. Due to time constraints we did not do a walking tour or visit the Wild Jordan Centre. We began by visiting the Mosque (clothing is provided for covering-up), followed by a visit to the Citadel, then onto Jerash which took a good 2-3 hours to explore. We then headed out by coach for a short ride to a nearby restaurant for local dishes (the food was excellent and I tried the local drink of lime and mint which was lovely and refreshing).[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 3 - Drove to Petra area visiting Mount Nebo for interesting guided tour and lovely views though it was a bit hazy on the day we visited. We then moved onto Madaba to visit St George’s church and the beautiful mosaic map, followed by lunch. We did not have time to do the advertised mosaic making, but visited a workshop instead with shopping opportunities. Before reaching Petra we stopped at Shobak to see what is left of the castle and have a short comfort stop. We arrived at the hotel with 1/2 an hour for dinner before heading out on the optional Petra by Night tour. This involved a 1/2 hour walk each way on rough terrain in the dark (take walking shoes and torch), then sit in front of the Treasury which is in total darkness, the Bedouin then sing/play 3 songs before the Treasury is lit up for about 5 minutes at the end, they serve sweet tea during the performance. I thought there would be more to the excursion, but I got some stunning photos of the Treasury in various colours.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 4 - Petra. An early start for a long day in Petra. I walked in which took longer today as we had our guide with us and there was much more to see in daylight than the previous night. Some chose to go to the Treasury by horse and cart (cost 30 JD return including tip between 2 people and well worth it). After reaching the Treasury you can continue walking as Petra is such a huge site and there are loads of things to see - much more than most of us had anticipated. I, along with another lady, managed to get up to the church and see the mosaic flooring, and another managed to see the Monastery, which also looked amazing from the picture I saw. The coach took us back to the hotel at 4 and most of the group left at 5:30 to go out and make their dinner locally, but myself and a few others chose to stay at the hotel and paid for our evening meal there instead of rushing back out again. [/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 5 - left to drive to Wadi Rum, stopping on the way at a Bedouin camp for lunch - this was lovely and our fabulous guide gave us a fascinating insight into life as a Bedouin. Arrived in Wadi Rum and went to our tents/domes, 10 minutes later most of us re-emerged like excited children to gaze around us in awe at the beautiful desert/mountains, and the red sand. Again some of us had 1/2 an hour for dinner before going in jeeps for a short ride to the optional stargazing. We assumed we’d be lying on blankets in the middle of the desert gazing up at the stars while having a guide explain everything to us, but it was actually a visit to an observatory nearby where we had a very interesting presentation about the universe (I still can’t get my head around light years and galaxies), followed by a look through one of three telescopes, it was amazing to see Jupiter, Saturn, etc, it didn’t seem real, but was a great experience.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 6 - departed the desert after having our breakfast outside, drove to the Dead Sea. Arrived mid-afternoon and quickly settled into the hotel, many taking full advantage of a float in the Dead Sea followed by covering themselves with mud before showering and leaving the beach - jelly shoes would be a good idea as there are pebbles leading into the sea. That evening there was entertainment in the form of a belly dancer, and alcoholic drinks were available.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]Day 7 - left at 1pm to drive to Amman, stopping on the way for another shopping opportunity before arriving back in Amman early afternoon. Had a farewell dinner this evening in a lovely hilltop restaurant.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]A few things I would change - I think the night in Petra tour was a bit disappointing, the only good thing about it is the last five minutes when they light the Treasury up, and it’s a lot at the end of a long day. I think JY need to consider the large distances involved as some items stated in the brochure were missed out as there was just not enough time to fit them all in. I think another day in Wadi Rum is needed to make more of the area, most of us would have loved to have gone out in jeeps to explore the desert as we didn’t really see it, our local guide remarked on this too. Possibly an extra day in Amman as it all felt a bit rushed and there is so much to see there.[/font][/font]

[font=.SF UI Text][font=.SFUIText]All in all this was a fabulous tour and our guides Jennie and Salah, and bus driver, were all excellent. Jordan is an amazing country, and the people are so friendly and will do anything for you. I couldn’t fault any of the hotels, the staff in them, or the food, which was also amazing. I would thoroughly recommend Jordan as well worth a visit.[/font][/font]

Glad you had a good time.   🙂

Julie White
Hello Magpie10,

Thank you for your lovely review. I am pleased that you enjoyed your experience.

I want to do the Jordan trip (when I can fit it in). Wadi Rum sounds amazing and I would love to do the star gazing.

Looks like I will need to fit it in sooner rather than later.

Regards Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Yes I would highly recommend this trip



Mike A
Great review Magpie10-Thanks so much as reviews help us decide where to go.