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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Would love to hear from anyone who is going to Jordan in September. This will be my first solo holiday and I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to see Petra.


Hi Jaya,

I'm one of your companions for the trip and its my first time travelling with Just You. Like you, I am really looking forward to seeing Petra.

I was just wondering if anyone else on the rip is also doing the 3 day Deas Sea add-on?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley

At long last I hear from a fellow traveller! I am doing the dead sea add-on and am really looking forward to the trip. Am already counting the days. Where are you travelling from? I will be travelling from Luton.

Really looking forward to meeting you.



Hi Jaya, only just discovered this messaging feature. I'm coming down from Edinburgh and connecting in London. Am assuming we should wear long shorts, trousers or (not short) skirts, and t-shirts which cover the shoulders as this is a Muslim country during Ramadan.

Have lived/worked in Indonesia during Ramadan but its been a while since I have experienced it. I have a long weekend trip to Skye in August so at the moment that is taking up most of my thoughts.

I believe there are 16 of us - any idea of the mix - age/gender etc?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley

Olly said that there were 16 of us on this trip, but according to customer services there are 27 (more people may have booked after Olly replied to my mail a while ago)and about 8-9 are doing the dead sea add-on. According to what I have read, Jordanians are quite tolerant towards Western dress, but I think they respect visitors who respect their culture so it would be a good idea to avoid showing 'too much flesh' while on sightseeing trips! I will wear trousers and long skirts with sleeved t-shirts. May be you can wear short sleeved t-shirts and short shorts while you are in the hotels. Looking forward to meeting you.

Enjoy your weekend.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Leslie

Forgot to mention the age/gender in my previous mail. Apparently the age range is between 30-80 and I think there are about 8-9 males. I am sure we all will have lots of fun!
