  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Very impressed:thumbup: to see a Battlefield Tour in the listing while playing around on line, might have to see if I can fit that in to my travel plans. :-/

So a big thank you to Will and the team!!!:D


  • (Member)
You asked, Will and his team listened.....

For those members who are interested in this tour but haven't come across it you, you can see it right here: 

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

In that case I better go then ...


I'm very interested in this!
Now that would interest me certainly, although the research I do is not First World War, I have an interest as both of my Grandfathers served during that conflict.

My research is normally Second World War, but Far East.[/size][/font]

  • (Member)
Thanks Cindy for highlighting this tour. Read through wondering how they could go on the 8th May and then realised it is next year :P

Shall be in Arras May 2016 to celebrate my Great Uncle Bernard who died there May 24th 1916. I believe the Last Post is worth the trip at Menin Gate so I shall hope to go on one of the 2 trips next year having never seen it.


My Great Uncle is remembered on the Arras Memorial as one of those with no known grave. He was killed during the last big push in the spring of 1918.
  • (Member)

I just looked at this on the website and guess what? I have decided to try and fit in with my travel plans next year. Can't go in May as am going to Namibia, but am thinking of September. I think I will go ahead and book it before no places are left. It is only a short trip plus travel by train. I have never been on Eurostar so it will be a nice experience.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:


I just looked at this on the website and guess what? I have decided to try and fit in with my travel plans next year. Can't go in May as am going to Namibia, but am thinking of September. I think I will go ahead and book it before no places are left. It is only a short trip plus travel by train. I have never been on Eurostar so it will be a nice experience.


Hello Jaya

How you doing now?...Like you I have not been on Eurostar so that will be fun!!! And it's just a short break will make a change for me form LONG haul!, not sure which date to go for just yet...


  • (Member)
Hello Bosuncat,

Most interested in your news, my Great Uncle Bernard is also listed on the 10 th wall at Faubourg D'Amiens, Arras with no known grave. I believe he was one of 6 men who were caught out by miscommunication, were in no mans land between the British and German Armies and killed by artillery fire- ours or theirs - no-one knows. I shall go to Arras on 24th May 2016 on the 100th anniversary as there are very few left from my Grandmother's family.

There is a lot of TV coverage with 2 children from every senior school out at Tyne Cot and at the Menin Gate- two boys found a nephew of one of the men on their war memorial. Very interesting.

Think I shall be going in May for the tour, still undecided :P


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Looks like I will be trying for the May 2015 Battlefields, I will most probably be joining up with my JY friend once again, so anybody thinking of the May tour I just might see you then.


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I have booked this for September as am going to Namibia in May. Would have been great if you too could join in September! I am a lot better than what I was at this time last year. Still a long way to go as the treatment was very intense. The hair has still not grown back properly - there are still patches - but I could not care less. There are more important things to worry about! Am looking forward to all the holidays I have booked and have to book. Fingers crossed nothing stops me from going on my holidays.

All the best.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Glad you are doing much better, and who needs hair it only causes us so many problems...enjoy Namibia I am sure you will see and do lots, shame we won't be meeting in the battlefields so to speak, it something I have wanted to do for awhile.

You take care,


  • (Member)
Finally decided, not getting any younger 😛. Gone ahead and booked the May trip :thumbup:

Remembered that I am supposed to be in Florida September 2015 with my family duh.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'janib' wrote:

Finally decided, not getting any younger 😛. Gone ahead and booked the May trip :thumbup:

Remembered that I am supposed to be in Florida September 2015 with my family duh.


I will see you then Jan, and how could you forget Florida with the family ha ha .


Jaya. I may well do the September trip but it's a bit early to say yet. :)

I would have liked to have gone on the May one but that one might be out of the question if I have friends over from the States.

  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat

Here's hoping that you are able to do the September trip as it would be lovely to meet you. I just went ahead and booked it to make sure I get a place. Have already sorted out next year's holidays!


Where else are you going?
Hello, I am thinking of going in May 2015 but still undecided at the moment. It is a tour I would like to do in memory of my Grandfathers, both returned home, although one did come home in a sealed Hospital train, he was gassed on the Somme. Need to do some digging at the National Archives to see what I can find, may try the Regimental museums too. It is very interesting to read the messages from Jan and Bosuncat, and at the same time very sad too. Even now they are still recovering remains of those who were killed and have managed to identify some of those men, and even now farmers are still being killed by undiscovered unexploded shells. Keith (ArchieKA)
  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat

Namibia in May, Battlefields in September and Kerala in November. Have still got to book Kerala and hope to do this soon once I have the deposit saved. I know that by the end of next year I am going to be 'bankrupt', but am going to enjoy all the holidays I have booked for this year and the next year!!
