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(Member) (Topic Starter)
I find myself with a fundamental dilemma, where does one start?

The decision to travel alone is somewhat daunting, however the experience is also exciting.

So should i start closer to home to stay safe, or spread my wings and enjoy a greater experience.

A dilemma indeed.

  • (Member)
A warm welcome Tim1960

What a great dilemma to have, I agree daunting and exciting times ahead. To choose between short haul or long haul is totally up to you and also where you fancy going. My first tour was Boston New England and New York, very hectic with lots to see and do, I had so much fun I now have my 10th tour booked for later this year. I would suggest you have a look around at the postings and see what people have to say this might steer you in a particular direction. Also if you have a brochure to hand sit down and really read what the tour is all about, how many meals are included what trips are included and what are the optional trips, if there is more than one hotel etc. My tours range from being in 1 hotel with breakfast and tea provided, and just going out and about in the day and staying more hotel based for the evening, to full on early morning and late night with just breakfast and maybe 1 evening meal and many hotel changes along the way, and finding somewhere to eat most nights. Very safe way to travel all ages mix well together, great sights to see, and fun to be had, so find the holiday that appeals near or far and then book it and see what you think. If I can help at all then just ask.

Have fun


'Tim1960' wrote:

I find myself with a fundamental dilemma, where does one start?

The decision to travel alone is somewhat daunting, however the experience is also exciting.

So should i start closer to home to stay safe, or spread my wings and enjoy a greater experience.

A dilemma indeed.

Daunting indeed, but only the first time. After that you won't look back. I am just about to embark on my 4th JY holiday. Personally I prefer short haul, but go wherever you fancy, you will meet interesting, like minded people of all ages, and I guarantee you will have no regrets.

Happy travels,


  • (Member)
Hi Tim I am also thinking the same thing
  • (Member)
Hi Tim

You are not really alone when travelling with Just You as you will be with like minded companions. All I would say is pick a destination you always wanted to visit and just go ahead and book it. Travelling with Just You is very safe and there is nothing to worry about as everything is taken care of. So go on, spread your wings and enjoy a greater experience.



  • (Member)
'Tim1960' wrote:

I find myself with a fundamental dilemma, where does one start?

The decision to travel alone is somewhat daunting, however the experience is also exciting.

So should i start closer to home to stay safe, or spread my wings and enjoy a greater experience.

A dilemma indeed.

Hi Tim,

My suggestion would be to choose somewhere you want to go, be it far or near, and book that one. You will immediately have something in common with the others, they want to go there too. Some will be first timers, some not, it really will not matter. Pick a holiday, read any reviews you can find, then if all seems well, it will be, go for it.

Happy travelling,


  • (Member)
Hi Tim,

Is there somewhere you have always wanted to go? If the answer to that is yes, whether that be near or far, then your dilemma is solved.

Perhaps you have an interest that could be satisfied by a particular holiday. For example if you like history, the Jordan trip I've just returned from may be for you. Natural history could be catered for on a safari, if it's scenery you're after, than the USA National Parks trip or Canada in the Fall might fit the bill.

So I would suggest thinking along those lines rather than 'should I stay closer to home or spread my wings'. In other words, pick somewhere that really appeals to YOU (and suits your budget) rather than thinking about the distances involved.

Whatever you decide I hope you take the plunge and book somewhere. I'm sure that you'll have a great time whatever you decide.



Hi Tim,

For me, money was a key factor too, as I didn't have a lot to throw around! I was so nervous at the thought of booking my first trip that I was considering a UK mini-break, then I thought perhaps a little further - Europe. Eventually, after reading so many great reviews on this Community site I decided, why waste my money on a short trip when I really wanted to go longhaul!! I decided to take the risk and loved every minute of my American dream. Up to you, if you have loads of cash and are still a bit nervous try a short trip but I can guarantee you'll be back for more! Sue

  • (Member)
Hello Tim,

Like the others choose somewhere where you have always wanted to go and book it. My other recommendation is just wait till next week when there are another 15 new holidays coming out. We have had some clues including Kerala, ranching holiday near Tucson and Namibia. I have booked already for Route 61- Heart and Soul of America in November only to be told that the trip in February covers the Mardi Gras in New Orleans. This will be my 5th trip.


Hi Tim,

Agree with what everyone has said on here.

Just go for what is comfertable to you. AND enjoy, You will be amazed at what you will see on a JY holiday. You will meet new like minded people and make friends. Do all the excursions offered.

Have a good time when you take the plunge!
