  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi there

I am considering this trip next year and wondering if it's good? Also, would it have warmed up for June? Is it a lot of time on coach etc with going to few towns?

Appreciate any feedback please 😉

Hi Lain

I looked at this one as well don't know what the holiday is like but the weather put me off ( I went onto tripadvisor to check). According to them you need to pack everything as it's sun and showers for the month with temps of 15-18. This year was especially bad as it never stopped raining, similar to us in the UK in april! Don't let it put you off though if you fancy it just take a bigger suitcase!


I did this trip last September and it was brilliant! Probably the best trip I have done. I don't know what the weather is like in June but when I was there it was hot and sunny in the Rockies though in Vancouver it was a bit miserable (but not cold). i would thoroughly recommend it. If you do go for it do the helicopter trip - it's fantastic! Anne

'Lain' wrote:

Hi there

I am considering this trip next year and wondering if it's good? Also, would it have warmed up for June? Is it a lot of time on coach etc with going to few towns?

Appreciate any feedback please ;)

Did this last year. Best JY holiday (out of 4) I have done. Landed in a raging blizzard,but after that saw nothing but sun. Scenery, Animals (including Black Bears), and excursions were all amazing. Would go again if it wasn't for Route 66 getting in the way.

Hello, I went on this tour in May. I loved very minute of it. The tour manager sue davies and our coach driver Jason were fantastic. The trips on the coach didn't take long as we saw so much. We saw black bears at the side of road on the way to jasper. The extra excursions were amazing we're well worth the money. It was an experience I will never forget. The group all got on so well. I have made some good friends who I still talk to. the weather was ok some days were a little chilly but the sun shone throughout. There's a lake we visit on the way called Dutch lake. It was so peaceful. Some of our group including myself even paddled our feet in the lake. Visiting the grizzlies on grouse mountain is a lovely day too. I did all the extras. For someone who is afraid of heights I managed the helicopter ride of Rockies, what an experience, the capliano bridge is stunning too. I hope this has helped your decision. If you want to see this part of the world, I reccomend you go for it. You'll love it.
  • (Member)
I did this trip in May 2010. We had pretty good weather most of the time. It's a bit early if you want to see the turquoise blue water of Lake Louise as it was still frozen when we were there, but the benefit is you are there before the mosquitoes and other biting insects get going.

I didn't find the coach travel was excessive and it has the advantage that you can stop whenever you like or when something of interest (like a bear or moose) is spotted and the scenery is stunning.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks everyone, does sound good!

Ben has confirmed for June that it is warm, advise summer clothing with some medium weight clothing for cool evenings. The weather in June is ideal for travel and all outdoor activities.

Just wondering how much extra money would need for the trips people mention plus not many meals included??

'Lain' wrote:

Thanks everyone, does sound good!

Ben has confirmed for June that it is warm, advise summer clothing with some medium weight clothing for cool evenings. The weather in June is ideal for travel and all outdoor activities.

Just wondering how much extra money would need for the trips people mention plus not many meals included??

Hi I took an extra £600 which covered my food and nearly all of the extra excursions. And had a little bit left at end. If out for a meal, be aware portion sizes are huge. They are very generous. Hope this helps


'Lain' wrote:

Hi there

I am considering this trip next year and wondering if it's good? Also, would it have warmed up for June? Is it a lot of time on coach etc with going to few towns?

Appreciate any feedback please ;)

Hi Lain

I've booked this trip for September next year as would prefer to see the trees in the fall. I should imagine there is quite a bit of travelling in a coach if you consult a map and follow the itinerary on it. Its manageable as if you're not looking at the scenery you'll be catching up on your sleep, similar to the trips I've done to New Zealand and South Africa!!!



Sue Southampton
'Lain' wrote:

Hi there

I am considering this trip next year and wondering if it's good? Also, would it have warmed up for June? Is it a lot of time on coach etc with going to few towns?

Appreciate any feedback please ;)


I have booked up for the Canadian trip in June next year and am really looking forward to it. It is my second trip having been to Kenya this year. As far as the weather is concerned I think it will be nicely warm but not too hot but with a chance of rain. I decided to take a chance as I have always wanted to go there and its great to look at.

I am sure the scenery will be worth the travelling as I expect there will be lots of stops for photos. I hope so anyway!

Sue Southampton

  • (Member)
I've always wanted to go to Canada and decided 2013 was the year. I checked the weather out on the internet and the Banff site said that June and September were the best months to visit - July and August are full of tourists! I also found the comment that things warm up after the first week in June, after which Lake Louise should be thoroughly thawed out and looking good. So I have taken the plunge and booked for June.

As to money, when I changed some money at the Post Office this week I found that, in addition to their Travel Money cards in euros, sterling and US dollars, they have now introduced cards for Canadian and Australian dollars (plus 3 other currencies) so I shall load one of those before I go to avoid carrying too much ready cash - unless someone who had been on the trip before thinks that would be inadvisable.


This is a fantastic trip which I thoroughly recommend. I did this last June and had some amazing experiences from the helicopter ride over the Rockies, the rafting, ice walk and crossing the Capilano Bridge to name but a few! The weather overall was hot, I think we had two wet days and one of those was during the coach journey from Kamloops to Vancouver. There are two days which involve a fair bit of travelling, but the stops en route are well worthwhile and help break up the trips so don't let this put you off. Personally I was glad to sit on the bus on day 4 (Banff - Jasper) as the first three days are very hectic and you'll find most days involve an early start.

With regards to cash, there are ATM's available in all 4 places you stay so there's no need to carry a lot of cash. The most expensive optional extra (the helicopter trip) could also be paid for on credit card when I went so I guess that's still the case.

Hope this helps!

  • (Member)
I have not been on this trip, but met Pauline during Holyland trip who has been and she was raving about it. She said it was one of the best trips she has done and this has encouraged me to add it to my ever growing list of destinations to visit! In fact I met Pauline on my Andalucia trip and never expected to see her again!



  • (Member)
'Lain' wrote:

Hi there

I am considering this trip next year and wondering if it's good? Also, would it have warmed up for June? Is it a lot of time on coach etc with going to few towns?

Appreciate any feedback please ;)

Hi Lain

I too am thinking of booking this trip in June. I have heard good feedback about it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for everyones comments/advice. Everything sounds good for this trip and for June so very likely to book in the new year :thumbup:

Hoping it will be a mixed age/sex group too!