  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All, I will be 42 this year and have never done one of these types of trips before (even though I have travelled Oz & NZ) and am interested to know which trips attract more my age group?? Would be great to have a mixed age range but wouldnt want everyone to be 30yrs older than me!!!
  • (Member)
hello kezza

I have done many different styles of holidays but there is no set age group running through them, I would suggest if you have a tour in mind to either ring the office or post to Julia on the editors board on here and they might be able to tell you the age range. I am now 55 and started using JY in 2006 I have never found the age to be an issue for me. It really is just a number. We are all on these tours to see a particular holiday, and to experience something along the way, so I would hate the age thing to put you off doing a tour that you like the look off.. Young old it all works for me. if you have any other question please ask.


  • (Member)
Hi Kezza

I'm also 42 and have done a fair few trips now. Generally the more active and far away the holiday is the younger the average age is. This is a sweeping generalisation as you can get 80 year olds and 30 year olds on any trip but I have found that of the holidays I have done, the European trips based in a single location offer a more sedate pace of holiday which may appeal to the more mature client (I'm desperately trying to answer your question without being politically incorrect or upsetting anyone!)

The strength of a JY trip is that you meet so many different people from different backgrounds of different ages with similar interests. Find a holiday you like the look of then phone the office. They will tell you the rough ages of those who have already booked although please don't be put off from going if you find yourself as the youngest. I have been the youngest on a few occasions but have still had a brilliant time with lots of laughs, seen amazing scenery and had fantastic experiences.

  • (Member)
Hi Kezza,

I'm 45 and thinking of doing the National Parks and Mount Rushmore trip in May.

It will be my second JY trip, went to US a couple of years ago and had a great time. That trip had one or two people in their 20's/30's and a few in their 40's. The majority were older but it was a great mix and everyone got on really well.

I had the same concerns before booking my first JY holiday but don't let it stop you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all, you have pretty much confirmed what I already know and that we are all there for the same reason. Mark - you are lucky to be doing that tour, not sure my budget stretches to that one!!! I guess its the budget and getting the most days for my money is a big thing too, Ive noticed that some of the 10 day tours you actually only get 7 nights so feel a bit cheated!!!! Right, back to the brochure!!!