  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello I'm sarah and thinking of booking a holiday to go away on my own would like information from anybody about what a justyou holiday is like and also would a person my age fit in with everybody who goes on these holidays.
  • (Member)

I do hope that you book a JY holiday,they are great fun and you are always kept busy. I have done 5, 3 to USA, Poland and The Tatra Mountains, and Austrian Lakes Tours, and will shortley be booking for Safari. All very different but so worth going on. I am now 50 and started JY holidays 3 years ago.. As I am sure you will off gathered you will be a younger one but please do not let that put you off, every one is so good at mixing within the groups within a very short space of time. I might be younger than some people but then quite often they are fitter than ME!!!. I love chatting to people so to me age is not an issue, young or old, male or female, I just mix around the whole group.



  • (Member)
Hi, im Diane and i'm 26.

ive booked to go to Malta in Oct with just you. i've never been away on my own or with a single traveller tour company before and i'm nervous of doing it too.

I thought to myself, 'why should i deprive myself of seeing the world just because ive got no-one to go with!'

So i jumped in with 2 feet and said sod it, i'm gonna do it!

I just hope it's everything that i think it is!

  • (Member)
Hi Sarah,

I've been going on singles holidays since I was 25. There is always a wide range of ages although I usually find I'm one of the youngsters. I just wish I had the energy of those older than me!!

Glenn M
Hi there.

I am in my early 50's and going with JY for the first time this year as well.

If you are unsure why not try the discovery weekends I did and enjoyed it so much booked 2 more holidays with them. Russia in August and Thailand in Oct.

If the holidays are anything like the discovery weekend, the other comments are correct in that everyone mixes in well.

Just rememeber we are all in the same boat, on our own and wanting to get away.

Go for it and enjoy whatever destinantion you choose.

Good Luck


  • (Member)
Hi Sarah,

I'm a 54 yr old widow and I've booked my first JY holiday to Kenya in October. It took me ages to take the plunge but I finally did it and although I'm nervous I cant wait now. My advice is that you don't know what's round the corner and you only live once so enjoy life. The hardest decision will be deciding which holiday to do but once you have you can go on the messages board and communicate with others who are going on the same holiday and everyone is so friendly.

I hope you decide to go ahead and book something and hope you have a great time wherever it is & don't worry about the age thing - its only a number!!

Let us all know where you're going

  • (Member)
Hi Sarah

I am 34 and have booked to go on my first JY holiday to Italy in Sept. I was concerned about the age issue and was told on booking that I was one of the youngest.However I have got to know fellow travellers via this message board and read various views and am now counting down the days until we go and am no longer worried if I am the youngest. Some good advice I was given is that whatever your age you all instantly have something in common as you have all picked the same place to visit.

Have a great time.


Hi Sarah,

Ive been away twice now with just you, ive booked two more one for italy in october and one for USA in may next year im 31. Dont worry about age and things like that as it doesnt even come into it. The only thing you need to think about is going and enjoying the country you are visiting, you will meet people on the trip and wont be left on your own. My advice would be to find the holiday you like the look of and book it, its the best thing I have done and im really looking forward to going back to italy and cant wait to get to america, trust me you will have a great time.

Hi Sarah

Just come back from safari in Kenya (magic of Kenya Tour) the age range was from 25 to 69.

We all got on very well. I am keeping in touch with some of my fellow travellers. This was my second JY holiday, and I am still in touch with people off my first one last year.

You never know you could make friends for life.


  • (Member)
Hi Sarah

I have just read your message and the lovely replies from people who have enjoyed Just You holidays. I am 33 and have just booked my first Just You holiday (Tunisia Sea and Sahara this month). I have never been away on my own before and am very excited although a little nervous. Having seen the positive messages that you have received has made me even more excited and more relaxed - I send a big 'thank you' to Sarah and those who replied to her message.

