  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia,

I'm back nearly 6 weeks from my Costa Rica/Nicaragua tour and still no sign of my holiday questionnaire. Not that it would be much use at this stage as it would be hard to remember the detail (perhaps I could consult my own review?!). Anyhow, just thought I'd let you know...

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

I've just checked with our data team and you were on the list to get one but as it has not arrived with you, the lovely Nikki is going to put in a request for a second to be mailed out to you asap.

Whilst I was there she did ask - have you received your Travelsphere brochure? Mr(s) Postie would have started to deliver these towards the end of last week, although as it was a bank holiday some may have gotten held up.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Julia,

No TS brochure as yet. I don't know when I'll next be taking a holiday due to ongoing family circumstances. I've just had to cancel my holiday to China for Sept, after getting advice from the travel insurance company. Ah well, hopefully there will be other travel opportunities in the future.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

Thanks Julia,

No TS brochure as yet. I don't know when I'll next be taking a holiday due to ongoing family circumstances. I've just had to cancel my holiday to China for Sept, after getting advice from the travel insurance company. Ah well, hopefully there will be other travel opportunities in the future.

Best wishes,



I am very sorry to hear that you have had to cancel, but sometimes family has to come first. There will be another time for you to do these tours I am sure..


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks Cindy, absolutely family comes first.

Best wishes,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia, just to say the big new TS brochure arrived today, with lots of new tempting holidays!

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Glad to hear that it made it to you. We are launching those new tours out thick and fast at the moment for both Travelsphere and Just You!

I'm sorry to hear that you cancelled your China trip, I know how much you were looking forward to it - but after our email exchange the other week, I'm in no doubt that you have made the right decision.

Warmest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks Julia for your kind words,

Best wishes,
