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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Having recently found myself single again after many years I really want to book a holiday ( I find myself with lots of holidays to use up because keeping working kept me sane while going through lots of pain )

Incredibly scared of holidaying on my own and although I am fifty I have never done anything like this before, but I so want to........want to be brave and be inspired do this.

Is there any like minded people out there ? And where do I go ? So many things..............

Mick W
  • (Member)
You are no different to the rest of us, we were all scared newbies at one stage.

The fact that many of us come back tells the story, I've done 10 holiday with numbers 11 & 12 booked.

Remember been nervous on my first holiday, loved it and booked my 2nd as soon as I got home, met some fantastic people, made many friends and seen amazing places.

Go for it, you'll have a great time.

  • (Member)

Sorry you have had a rough time, just read what people have to say in here and read the reviews it might inspire you. this is a very safe way to travel. I have my 10th tour booked I have seen some amazing countries and met great people along the way, if you have any questions just ask....the world is out there so go and grab it...


  • (Member)
Hi Dottiegirl,

I discovered singles holidays after finding myself single again after many years. I eventually found enough courage to book my first trip in 2010 and have my eighth tour (Inspirational China) booked this year. This latest tour will be my fourth with JY and have always found them to be well organised and the accommodation of a good standard.

Where to go???? Well, perhaps there is somewhere you have always wanted to visit, in which case the decision is fairly easy (for me that place was Egypt and a Nile cruise). Alternatively, you may have an interest that can be catered for on a particular tour (eg animals/natural world = safari!). My JY trips have all been long haul, having previously been to South Africa and twice to the USA. South Africa was a great experience, as was the National Parks trip (the one that includes Little Big Horn and Mount Rushmore) and more recently Hawaii and LA.

Basically, singles holidays have allowed me to do and see things that I never thought I would (see the sunrise over the Nile from a hot air balloon, visit Abu Simbel, see Table Mountain in Cape Town, stand at the Cape of Good Hope, see a lioness with three cubs a few feet away in Kruger National Park, take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, tour Monument Valley in a 4 wheel drive vehicle.....the list goes on). So my advice would be to book something that appeals to you, whether that be near or far, as you will not regret it.

Taking that first holiday is always a bit daunting, but it's exciting too, and you'll find that your fellow travellers are friendly people who can become your new best friends! I hope that I've been able to reassure you and set your mind at rest.

All the best and good luck with your booking.


Auntie D
'mikew' wrote:

Hi Dottiegirl,

I discovered singles holidays after finding myself single again after many years. I eventually found enough courage to book my first trip in 2010 and have my eighth tour (Inspirational China) booked this year. This latest tour will be my fourth with JY and have always found them to be well organised and the accommodation of a good standard.

Where to go???? Well, perhaps there is somewhere you have always wanted to visit, in which case the decision is fairly easy (for me that place was Egypt and a Nile cruise). Alternatively, you may have an interest that can be catered for on a particular tour (eg animals/natural world = safari!). My JY trips have all been long haul, having previously been to South Africa and twice to the USA. South Africa was a great experience, as was the National Parks trip (the one that includes Little Big Horn and Mount Rushmore) and more recently Hawaii and LA.

Basically, singles holidays have allowed me to do and see things that I never thought I would (see the sunrise over the Nile from a hot air balloon, visit Abu Simbel, see Table Mountain in Cape Town, stand at the Cape of Good Hope, see a lioness with three cubs a few feet away in Kruger National Park, take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, tour Monument Valley in a 4 wheel drive vehicle.....the list goes on). So my advice would be to book something that appeals to you, whether that be near or far, as you will not regret it.

Taking that first holiday is always a bit daunting, but it's exciting too, and you'll find that your fellow travellers are friendly people who can become your new best friends! I hope that I've been able to reassure you and set your mind at rest.

All the best and good luck with your booking.


Hi Dottiegirl,

The wonderfully descriptive post from Mikew says it all.

Devour the brochure, choose somewhere you've always wanted to go to and book it.

Believe me, you will not regret your decision and will be eager to book your next holiday.

Take your courage in both hands and GO FOR IT!!!

Good luck in your search.



PS Well done, Mikew, sounds like the beginning of a travel brochure. Perhaps JY should employ you?

  • (Member)
Hi Denise,

Thanks for your lovely compliments. Having retired just over 12 months ago, I might find some spare time in between going on holiday, decorating the house and swimming 2-3 times a week, so I could be open to employment offers!

All the best


  • (Member)
'Dottiegirl' wrote:

Having recently found myself single again after many years I really want to book a holiday ( I find myself with lots of holidays to use up because keeping working kept me sane while going through lots of pain )

Incredibly scared of holidaying on my own and although I am fifty I have never done anything like this before, but I so want to........want to be brave and be inspired do this.

Is there any like minded people out there ? And where do I go ? So many things..............

Hi, I'm in a very similar situation to yourself but have taken the plunge and booked for Croatia in May. A friend recommended JY to me and I would trust her judgement implicitly. Happy travels!

  • (Member)

I agree with all the comments made by everyone. When I decided to travel on my own I picked Jordan as I always wanted to see Petra. I searched online for holidays for single travellers and Just You came up. I had a quick look and when I saw Jordan I went ahead and booked it straightaway because I knew if I thought about it I would never do it. Of course, I was a bit apprehensive and said to myself 'what have I done', but the nerves soon disappeared as soon as I reached the airport. To date I have done 4 holidays with Just You and have 2 booked for this year. Life is too short to worry about little things - just go ahead and book a destination you always wanted to visit. You will have no regrets.
