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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello, I'm very new to this so still unsure; I sadly lost my husband almost two years ago so still finding my way. I am quite happy to travel around the UK on my own and I even went back to our favourite hotel in Sharm el Sheikh last year though didn't feel totally comfortable. The girls in my local travel agent ordered me a Just You brochure and after looking through that and the latest one I think I am ready to take the plunge! Can anyone who has just been on their first trip or about to, tell me if you felt/feel the same as I do about taking this big first step?
  • (Member)
Welcome Joy

I am not in the same position as you, but can I just say that along my many travels with JY (I have my 10th tour booked) I have met many ladies like you and also men who have been widowed, I can understand a little bit how you feel, I hope others will reply who have been in your position. Can it just say that people I have met have had a great time and once they get in the plane or land the other end the nerves and apprehension has all gone. Travelling with JY as a single traveller really does work, so have a look and see which holiday appeals to you and then book it, have a look at the reviews online and see what others say. if you have any question then please ask away. We will try and answer them.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, thank you for your response, something must be right if you have booked your 10th trip! It's just finding the courage to do this and I'm sure I can do it. Everyone told me how brave I was to go to Egypt on my own so this can't be that bad can it? I would like to try a city tour to break me in so i think in the next couple of weeks I am going to visit the travel agent! Watch this space!


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Joy,

I agree with what Cindy says.

My situation was similar to yours as I booked my first JY holiday a year after my partner passed away although I had the experience of travelling totally solo prior to that. However my loss made me feel I should travel with others and was quite nervous meeting strangers to holiday with.

The nerves soon dissapeared and I've now done 10 JY hols with numbers 11 & 12 booked.


  • (Member)
'Joy57' wrote:

Hi, thank you for your response, something must be right if you have booked your 10th trip! It's just finding the courage to do this and I'm sure I can do it. Everyone told me how brave I was to go to Egypt on my own so this can't be that bad can it? I would like to try a city tour to break me in so i think in the next couple of weeks I am going to visit the travel agent! Watch this space!


Hello Joy. I found myself alone after 35 years of marriage and still had the urge to travel. Therefore I took the bull by the horns and booked myself on a trip to Thailand last year. Yes I had a few wobbles in the run up to the holiday but I took a friends' advice - have regrets for things you've done rather than for not doing. I drove myself to the airport and met a fellow traveller , hopped on the shuttle to Heathrow and from there on had a wonderful time. Everything was very well organised without the school trip feeling. Our TM Alison was WONDERFUL - informative , attentive , always aware of her guests and so much fun.I made new friends an the holiday and still in touch with a few. I've booked another trip for April and have seen so many more I'd love to do. Take the plunge and book somewhere you'd love to visiit. You never know we might even meet up on a trip. :thumbup:

  • (Member)

Things really work for me with JY as you say otherwise no way would I have my 10th tour booked. I do know some people book via a travel agent but most people either book on line or pick the phone up and talk to the staff in the office. I normally phone to make the original booking and then pay the balance off online.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter how you do it...just do it!!! have fun planning your trip, and ENJOYING it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all for the reassurance and it's a comfort that others have been in the same position! I'm sure once I've booked it I will feel better and start getting excited about a new adventure and making new friends. I think I'm going to take another look through the brochure! Thank you again.
Hi Joy...sharing a name I felt I had to reply!!! I’m just going through a divorce so our situations aren’t really the same except that we’re on our own. I love travelling and decided that I had to just jump in and try it. I went to the New Year at Hinckley which was really great fun (Hi Mick!!) and I came away with some new friends for life. I never do things by half so at the same time I booked the spirit of India tour and I go on 3rd Feb. I’m half excited half terrified but through the forum I’ve already made contact with 2 others who are on the same trip and we’ll be meeting at Heathrow for coffee. I’ve exchanged several emails with one of them and already feel like I’m not going alone! I hope you decide to go for it...heavens if you can do Egypt alone, you can do anything!!!


Mick W
  • (Member)
'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

Hi Joy...sharing a name I felt I had to reply!!! I’m just going through a divorce so our situations aren’t really the same except that we’re on our own. I love travelling and decided that I had to just jump in and try it. I went to the New Year at Hinckley which was really great fun (Hi Mick!!) and I came away with some new friends for life. I never do things by half so at the same time I booked the spirit of India tour and I go on 3rd Feb. I’m half excited half terrified but through the forum I’ve already made contact with 2 others who are on the same trip and we’ll be meeting at Heathrow for coffee. I’ve exchanged several emails with one of them and already feel like I’m not going alone! I hope you decide to go for it...heavens if you can do Egypt alone, you can do anything!!!


Hi Joy Elizabeth hope you've recovered from Hinckley

'Mick wrote:

'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

Hi Joy...sharing a name I felt I had to reply!!! I’m just going through a divorce so our situations aren’t really the same except that we’re on our own. I love travelling and decided that I had to just jump in and try it. I went to the New Year at Hinckley which was really great fun (Hi Mick!!) and I came away with some new friends for life. I never do things by half so at the same time I booked the spirit of India tour and I go on 3rd Feb. I’m half excited half terrified but through the forum I’ve already made contact with 2 others who are on the same trip and we’ll be meeting at Heathrow for coffee. I’ve exchanged several emails with one of them and already feel like I’m not going alone! I hope you decide to go for it...heavens if you can do Egypt alone, you can do anything!!!


Hi Joy Elizabeth hope you've recovered from Hinckley

Just about thanks Mick...still can't believe how late we carried on dancing to...thanks to the other party we 'gate-crashed' when ours finished..haven't done that since my youth!!!! 😃

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I've made a decision to try a short city break first, and Joy Elizabeth it sounds like you had a party and a great way to make new friends and it is much easier keeping in contact via modern technology. India should be a fantastic trip and if you know who will be going too you're not totally alone. I too have thought that if I can go to Egypt I can do anything but it's just taking that first step that I'm nervous about, but I will do it. New Year resolution, I can do it!!
Mick W
  • (Member)
'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

'Mick wrote:

'JoyElizabeth' wrote:

Hi Joy...sharing a name I felt I had to reply!!! I’m just going through a divorce so our situations aren’t really the same except that we’re on our own. I love travelling and decided that I had to just jump in and try it. I went to the New Year at Hinckley which was really great fun (Hi Mick!!) and I came away with some new friends for life. I never do things by half so at the same time I booked the spirit of India tour and I go on 3rd Feb. I’m half excited half terrified but through the forum I’ve already made contact with 2 others who are on the same trip and we’ll be meeting at Heathrow for coffee. I’ve exchanged several emails with one of them and already feel like I’m not going alone! I hope you decide to go for it...heavens if you can do Egypt alone, you can do anything!!!


Hi Joy Elizabeth hope you've recovered from Hinckley

Just about thanks Mick...still can't believe how late we carried on dancing to...thanks to the other party we 'gate-crashed' when ours finished..haven't done that since my youth!!!! :D

Me gate crash another party never :angel: 😃