Elaine 123
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

  • (Member)

Welcome I hope others in your position will answer you...Can I just say that this is a very safe way to travel you will have a great time and see such sights and meet like minded people I hope you find a tour you like and give it a go.

If I can help with anything please let me know I have my 10th tour booked and I have travelled near and far.


Mick W
  • (Member)

Many of us started using JY for the same reason, If you decide to book a holiday I doubt very much you'll regret it.


  • (Member)
Hi Elaine

I'm in the same position as you. I am 48 and my husband passed away Nov 2012. We loved travelling and had some wonderful holidays together. It took a few weeks of looking on the JY website reading the forum comments and looking through the brochure before I booked my first holiday. I decided on the Classic Cities of Italy trip (Sep 11th this year). I am nervous as I haven't done anything like this without my hubbie 😞 But I knew I had to do it if I wanted to continue to travel.... he would have wanted that!

Have courage, pick somewhere you'd like to go... and book it.

Take care, Di 🙂

  • (Member)

We are all in the same situation- too scared on our own out there, with Just You I have seen so much since my first trip in 2010. Loved all of the 4 trips that I have done. Got Route 61 booked for November and trying to get in Santorini and Isle of Man at some time :)


'Elaine wrote:


I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

Hi I too lot my husband at the age of 58, have enjoyed 4 amazing trips with JY and am about to book another, you are so well looked after and will meet some lovely people. Good Luck

Janet in Chi
Hi there

I was 60 when I went on my first JY trip to Cilento coast in Italy - fab hotel and scenery by the way. Pls don't worry about travelling or being alone. I met up with a lady (57) who was travelling alone for the first time since her husband had died AND she had a major fear of flying! We were seated together on the plane and happily chatted throughout the journey and while on holiday. Another first time bravery award goes to a gentleman in his 80s on the same trip. He had found himself alone after c 60 years of happy marriage. He was terrific fun, exceptionally fit and mobile and he got on so well with the whole group. A much younger member of the group (39) struggled a little to keep up with us, but everyone looked out for her too. Interestingly, as a seasoned independent traveller, I had an "opposite" fear of being "grouped up" and herded around. I needn't have worried as I met so many lovely people, some of whom I've since met up with. I'm off on my 3rd JY trip at the end of January and can't wait. I can highly recommend JY to you.


  • (Member)
Hi Elaine

You will not be travelling alone when holidaying with Just You. You will start meeting fellow travellers soon after you arrive at the airport. Sometimes you will even 'meet' them on this forum before the holiday! First time is always a nerve racking experience, but once you have overcome your fear and booked a holiday your nerves will soon disappear and you will have a good time. Go one, be brave and book something. Life is too short.


Angie in Lancs
Hi, I was 61 when I lost my husband three years ago and although I wanted to go on holiday I was like you very nervous. I needn't have worried because everyone joins in and you can make some good friends. The tour managers are great and look after everyone. Don't worry. Go for it.
Linda A
Hi. I did my first JY holiday (first holiday ever on my own) in Italy over new year after my husband dying very suddenly 2 yrs ago.-I am 56 I was very apprehensive but had the best of times. It's very hard to make the move but do it - you will not regret it and you will meet some new friends who will be 'my friends' not 'our friends' - so it also helps with rebuilding your life.
Hi Elaine, I'm new to all this after losing my lovely husband 18 months ago - I'm 60 and have just booked my first holiday with JY for June after the encouragement of some lovely people on this message board. I'm just trying one of their Escape Holidays first just to see how it all go's. I know I am going to be very nervous doing it all on my own and not having my husband at my side. Good Luck.
  • (Member)
'Elaine wrote:


I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

Dear Eline

I am new to this too, also not sure if I want to travel alone but, like you I have little choice, have many friends but all have husbands or partners. I am 63 and lost my wonderful husband last year, during our 35 years of marriage we travelled everywhere together and although I still feel I want to continue, the prospect of travelling alone is most daunting. I am not in a position to advise you but wanted you to know you are not alone feeling so uncertain. My husband meant everything to me and so I miss him on every level but I always loved to travel and hope that, when I feel a bit stronger, to start again but on my own this time, I am taking a short break in the next few months, with a coach tour company, for single people only and already feel very uncertain if I am doing the right thing but I won't know until I try. I decided that a short break first would be a good way of breaking myself in gradually, maybe you could consider something similar.

  • (Member)
'Elaine wrote:


I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

Hello again Eline, I too am new to the single life, after 36 years of happy marriage. I also lost my husband and like you, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that frightens me. I try and get through one day at a time and have some good days and very many really bad ones but as I only lost him last summer, it is early days for me. I am on the lookout for a possible travelling companion for later this year or spring of 2015 - would you be interested in getting to know me. Elizabeth

Elaine 123
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
All i can say is thank you all for your wonderful messages and making me feel more secure, We was together for 47 years, it was November last year Brian (my husband) passed away, our dream was to Visit Auss for the second time, life did not let him, I want to follow that dream, if it is the last holiday I have I will take it,

do you think going for 32 days as the trip that long, is to long for me for the first time,

It is not the travel that bothers me but meeting new people on my own, I see from many replays that there are people in my situation, I will be 63 when I follow this dream, I am not the fittest person but very chatting and get on with almost every one, I am a keen photographer, Have just read Bob,s report that as just got back from! odear forgot the place, where all the wild life is, another place I dearly would love to visit,

Elaine 123
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'gibbs' wrote:

'Elaine wrote:


I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

Dear Eline

I am new to this too, also not sure if I want to travel alone but, like you I have little choice, have many friends but all have husbands or partners. I am 63 and lost my wonderful husband last year, during our 35 years of marriage we travelled everywhere together and although I still feel I want to continue, the prospect of travelling alone is most daunting. I am not in a position to advise you but wanted you to know you are not alone feeling so uncertain. My husband meant everything to me and so I miss him on every level but I always loved to travel and hope that, when I feel a bit stronger, to start again but on my own this time, I am taking a short break in the next few months, with a coach tour company, for single people only and already feel very uncertain if I am doing the right thing but I won't know until I try. I decided that a short break first would be a good way of breaking myself in gradually, maybe you could consider something similar.


you sound a lot like me, I loved my Husband and still do it is only 5 months since he passed, on, I feel guilty even thinking about going away with out him never mind booking it, but life goes on, we both loved to travel, if i have to, which i know i do, on my own with out a friend I will, this was our dream to go back to Auss, I need to follow that dream, but with out him I do not know how I will cope, I will have tears, as I am now writing this, I will and I guess you did think, why is he not here with us, as he was more determined to get back to Auss, we did try but his illness stopped us, What holiday did you first go on, on your own, we was together for 47 years, right now i am so undecided and mixed up, I am going away this year with a friend, I made sure of that, being with a friend is different then being with your Husband, even if we have known each other most of our life, I was her chief bridesmaid many years ago,

Sorry to go on, thank you for letting share this with you.


Elaine 123
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you to all that replied to my questions, yes I do feel better to travel alone but not alone, I really want to got back to Auss and New Zealand, the tour looks great, any advise please pass my way xx
  • (Member)

The Oz and New Zealand trips are very long and I can understand that this may seem a huge step to take as a first trip so why don't you consider a short break first. That way you can see how the company works and what sort of people you will be travelling with without making such a commitment.

I can guarantee that you will totally fall in love with the concept - travelling the world with varied and entertaining companions in a safe, relaxed environment.

Referring to your other thread regarding photography - I too am an enthusiast and have never had problems finding time to get some good shots, I have been known to get up with the lark and also miss dinner to seek the perfect sunrise/ sunset shot.

Do let us know what you decide - the forum users do like to know if they've been able to 'convert' the uninitiated!!


Hi there

I lost my husband 10 years ago, coming up for 50th birthday. I decided the year after his death if i did not go on holiday then i would never go on my own so went to Austria that first time. have not looked back. off to Cilento this June for 6th/7th holiday with just you. every group has been friendly with a range of ages, especially Costa de la luz in November last year, ranged from 30-80, me in the middle, had a ball, go for it and enjoy


Just me
'Elaine wrote:


I am new to this, not sure if I want to travel on my own, although in my case I have no choice, as I love travel, what scares me is my age I am 61, not that when my husband was a life did we not travel as we did,, it is losing him and not being able to travel with him that scares me so much, can anybody out there, that as gone through what I am expiring please give me the best possible advise.

Best regards Eline

Hi Elaine

As already said you are not alone. I have just turned 60 myself and have travelled all over with you. You will be amazed at the large range of age groups on each tour and you will make really good friends. Hope this makes you feel happier

Hi, I have taken the plunge and booked Norway, Northern Lights and Huskies adventure for 18th February 2015. I, like you am still very apprehensive, but if I don't do it now I never will. I lost my husband three years ago within four weeks of knowing he was ill, so understand fully your concerns. Am hoping that somebody else booked on the same holiday might be able to put my mind at rest.