  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
V:rolleyes:hello I had just You suggested to me as a place to use for a holiday on my own..I was widowed three years ago and have been away just once on my own, last year I went to a retreat in India it was really difficult but I was quite proud of myself. Travelling is something I always did with my husband. I don't have a big circle of friends as my husband and I were happy with each other's company, I am however finding that I am sometimes a bit lonely even though I work full tine. I am interested to know how these holidays work, are they value for money? I am 59 so what's the average age, am I too old or too young. Do other travellers really talk to you?
Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Pamela Jane,

59 years old i reckon you'll be very close to the average age, sounds to me JY will be a perfect fit for you. I've made good friends on the holidays I've done, many I keep in touch with and some that I meet up with. 


HI PamelaJane,

Are the holidays value for money? They/re not too cheap, but you get what you pay for, in the main! I've been on quite a few holidays now with Just You and, with the exception of one, have found them to be excellent, both in terms of tour managers and company. Yes, you will feel nervous at the thought of meeting people who are literally strangers to you, but they soon become friends. My last big holiday with JY was in Sept/Oct of this year and I went to New England and Canada - the second long haul one I've done with them to that part of the world. I made 2 lovely friends on this trip and it's one that I'll never forget, for all the right reasons! There are never any worries when you travel with a group like this, and you can be alone when you want to be, as most people do need a little bit of space now and then! Go for it, and you won't be disappointed.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Welcome Pamela Jane

I agree totally with Mick and Anne. please do not worry about people joining in, just believe it will. If you personally want time alone then that's fine as well. Do remember it does take two to have a conversation, so just smile and go for it. When you get to the airport look for the luggage labels and then break the ice with people. Hinestley after a few hours it all slips into place, I have make a couple of travel friends from these holidays which is just great, so sometimes I end up traveling in a tour with them but we always mix in...

Settle on a holiday you fancy and then go for it..I am now 55 !!! And have been traveling with JY since 2006. There will be people older and most probably younger than you on the tour. YOU will be fine, if there is anything I can help you with then just ask.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you all, I am considering Italy or Austria for my first trip and have decided not to look at the cost too much but rather what's on offer so watch this space I reckon I will do one of the other, be interested to know what other think of these two places?
  • (Member)

I have been on the Austrian Lake tour and also the Highlights of Tuscany and can reccomend either of these. If I had to chose Austria would get it from a scenery point but Tuscany would get my vote from architecture and history.


Hi there. I've only been to Austria briefly but have spent some time in Italy over the years, both independently and with JY.

My first holiday with JY was to the Cilento Coast in Italy. In fact I was on the first trip out there. It's still quite uncommercialised but the hotel is great and it has become a very popular tour here. The reviews here speak for themselves.

My other Italian holiday was just this last October with JY to Tuscany. It represented really good value for money, with great taster trips to Pisa, Siena and Florence amongst others. The hotel is small and lovely with great staff and good food.

I've also been to Croatia with JY and this May I am going to Slovenia.

As so many others have said here just pick something and go for it. You won't regret it!

Julie L
'PamelaJane' wrote:

V:rolleyes:hello I had just You suggested to me as a place to use for a holiday on my own..I was widowed three years ago and have been away just once on my own, last year I went to a retreat in India it was really difficult but I was quite proud of myself. Travelling is something I always did with my husband. I don't have a big circle of friends as my husband and I were happy with each other's company, I am however finding that I am sometimes a bit lonely even though I work full tine. I am interested to know how these holidays work, are they value for money? I am 59 so what's the average age, am I too old or too young. Do other travellers really talk to you?

Dear Pamala Jane. Julie L here, I'm also 59 and was widowed 5 years ago on 8th February, I have booked for Canada & New England in the fall for 17th September with a lady I met on my first holiday in June 2012, why don't you take the plunge and come with us? I live in Derbyshire where are you? X I see you've met mick on the internet, he's a nice guy met him at Hinckley for the new year break.

Mick W
  • (Member)
'Julie wrote:

'PamelaJane' wrote:

V:rolleyes:hello I had just You suggested to me as a place to use for a holiday on my own..I was widowed three years ago and have been away just once on my own, last year I went to a retreat in India it was really difficult but I was quite proud of myself. Travelling is something I always did with my husband. I don't have a big circle of friends as my husband and I were happy with each other's company, I am however finding that I am sometimes a bit lonely even though I work full tine. I am interested to know how these holidays work, are they value for money? I am 59 so what's the average age, am I too old or too young. Do other travellers really talk to you?

Dear Pamala Jane. Julie L here, I'm also 59 and was widowed 5 years ago on 8th February, I have booked for Canada & New England in the fall for 17th September with a lady I met on my first holiday in June 2012, why don't you take the plunge and come with us? I live in Derbyshire where are you? X I see you've met mick on the internet, he's a nice guy met him at Hinckley for the new year break.


Nice Guy, you are going to ruin my reputation :angel:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie and thank you so much, everyone seems really kind on here. I want to be on a shorter trip for my first ge hence Italy or Austria then if all works out I may consider going further afield I live in Hampshire x
  • (Member)
Hi PamelaJane

I was widowed 14 months ago, I have booked my first JY holiday, the Classic Cities of Italy for September 11th 2014. It looks like a great taster of Italy and a good price.

Take care

Di x

  • (Member)
Hello Pamela Jane,

I have done Lake Garda and Alpine Europe, both of which I loved. I am now 57 and a widow- I go on holidays with my elder daughter, every so often, timing is not good for her so I take a trip with Just You. I have already booked Route 61 for November. Might get another 2 trips in before then. Have such a large bucket list since I was 50 that it is slowly going down.

Have fun wherever you decide to go.


Julie L
To Mick W. You are a nice guy, don't put yourself down! What you been up to since Hinckley, it was great at new year, keep in touch, let me know if your going away with just you next new year, maybe we'll meet again somewhere! Julie L
Mick W
  • (Member)
'Julie wrote:

To Mick W. You are a nice guy, don't put yourself down! What you been up to since Hinckley, it was great at new year, keep in touch, let me know if your going away with just you next new year, maybe we'll meet again somewhere! Julie L

Hi Julie,

You are too kind, but I like it :thumbup:

Not thought about next chrimmy/new year yet but will do something.

Got Slovenia in May & Route 61 in November booked (same as Jan) and am looking at other trips at present. Wanting to do Chicago for a week early in year, was looking at June but may do at Easter or late May, trying to get someone (or more) to come with me as more fun than on your own.

Keep you eye on my blog, can email me anytime.


Julie L
'PamelaJane' wrote:

Thank you all, I am considering Italy or Austria for my first trip and have decided not to look at the cost too much but rather what's on offer so watch this space I reckon I will do one of the other, be interested to know what other think of these two places?

Dear Pamela Jane, if you enjoy your first holiday, and want a good time I suggest you join the new year parties there a great start to the new year, I'm done two and definately will do more, Julie L