  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to all.

Just joined Community today as hoping to go to Jordan next April.

Anyone done this trip more recently?

Grateful for any feedback.

  • (Member)
Welcome Stephen

I have not been on this tour, I hope someone that has can answer you. All I can say is I have my 10th tour booked so if there is anything else I can help with then just ask.


  • (Member)
Hello and welcome Stephen

I did this trip in September 2009 - my first trip with Just You and would thoroughly recommend it. I chose it because I always wanted to see Petra and I was not disappointed. The itinerary has changed a little bit - when I went we had an option of 3 day stay at the Dead Sea Marriott, which I took up and it was fantastic to relax after the hectic tour. I am sure you will love Jordan. There is so much to see.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thanks for feedback -have gone ahead and booked for Jordan next April.


  • (Member)
Hi Stephen

You will love Jordan and have a wonderful time. I would love to go back some day, but there are so many other places I want to visit and see.


Angie S
Hi Stephen,

I've been planning on doing this trip for some time now. I saw your post and thought it was about time I should be thinking about booking. Something rotten happened at work today, so I came straight home and booked Jordan for April 2014!

I've only heard good things about Jordan so I'm really looking forward to it. This is my 2nd JY trip having visited Uzbekistan in 2012.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie

Intriguing post! I wonder just how bad a day at work I would need to have to suddenly decide to spend £2K and travel 2K miles[ + for me from Glasgow].

I had initially looked at South Africa in Feb but did not quite have enough Annual Leave left,so Jordan is' Plan B' but the more I read about Jordan the more I am looking forward to it.

CU in April!


  • (Member)
I think MaryDee is on the Jordan trip as we speak. I know she left on 16th November. There are 2 threads somewhere.


Hello all, I did the Jordan trip in November and must recommend it.

Highlights? - well, obviously is had to be Petra but take each day as it comes and every day has a highlight, from being covered in mud and floating (you can't sink if you try - just try standing up again) in the Dead Sea; the magnificence of the Roman Citadel high above Amman; the Wadi Rum experience and finally the relaxing last day in Aqaba.

If you have the energy, and I suggest you try, then do the walk to the high Monastery at Petra. It's a bit of a climb but well worth the effort. If I remember it's over 800 steps but with 3 "best views" at the top there's no denying the slog is worth it.

One thing! The price of alcohol is extortionate due to 216% tax. I paid about £6.00 for a small can of beer at the Dead Sea resort. The same price at hotels but a larger volume. Prices were slightly lower at Aqaba.

If you've booked enjoy it - if not, then hit the button.


Angie S
I wonder if you ever got the pictures I emailed you Stephen, of us swimming...or rather floating... in the Dead Sea...this week a year ago
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie. On the site for first time in ages as looking at ? South Africa later this year,but no got no fotos!
Angie S
Ah ha. Wow. Didn't expect to hear from you Stephen after nearly 2 years!

I've been looking at the forum a lot lately keeping an eye on the Burma threads as I'm off there in November.

I'm glad you now know I didn't forget about sending you the pics!

Good to hear from you.
