Carole Garnett
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I saw a couple of earlier posts about this trip (Anita & Tracy) but as they were posted a while ago I thought I would start another.

This will be my first JY trip and am excited about the trip although also a bit nervous as have never done an organised holiday before.

So who is going on this trip and is anyone thinking of booking a Las Vegas show? Is it better/cheaper to book it before we go or from the concierge in our hotel?

Can't decide about staying at a Heathrow hotel the night before. It might be easier as it will take me quite a while to get there.

How do we go about exchanging emails etc so that we can chat more before the holiday?

Hi Carole I just wanted to say hello and say that I to am looking forward to this trip. I would also be interested in seeing a show while in Vegas., not sure the best way to go about that, maybe others will have more of an idea. Anyway cant wait until September and meeting everyone on this trip. Tracey x
  • (Member)
Hi, I did this trip in April, I waited until I arrived in Vegas to book a show, there is so much going on in Vegas,so as it turn out the best for me. It is a fantastic holiday, lots to see hope you enjoy as much as I did. This was my first trip with JY, and it won't be my last. Have a good time. R
Hi, I'm booked on this holiday - my first with Just You too. Feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation - but from all the postings I've read that seems to be par for the course! I haven't booked any excursions yet - thought I'd wait until we were over there and see what others in the group go for. I def want to do one of the Grand Canyon options though, but not sure which to choose - would hate to be the only one in the group on it! Am staying in a hotel at Heathrow the night before we fly - now just got to decide how to get to the airport and how to manage my dollars! Looking forward to meeting everyone - especially if there's a load of newbies as jibbering as I am!
'BristolBarb' wrote:

Hi, I'm booked on this holiday - my first with Just You too. Feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation - but from all the postings I've read that seems to be par for the course! I haven't booked any excursions yet - thought I'd wait until we were over there and see what others in the group go for. I def want to do one of the Grand Canyon options though, but not sure which to choose - would hate to be the only one in the group on it! Am staying in a hotel at Heathrow the night before we fly - now just got to decide how to get to the airport and how to manage my dollars! Looking forward to meeting everyone - especially if there's a load of newbies as jibbering as I am!

Hi Barb. Looking forward to this trip also. looking forward to meeting everyone booked on this trip
Hi there everyone!

Just booked this trip - it's my first time with Just You, but I've been to the States before on my own with other groups.

So looking forward to it - San Fran and Vegas have been top of my list for ages.

Will be great to meet everyone, and hopefully chat a bit beforehand to get to know you all a little :)

Best wishes,


Hello Barb! I live just outside Bristol - it would be great to chat!

Not sure how things worth with giving out e-mail addresses?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Katie & Barb,

If you'd like to exchange email addresses, I just need you to both agree on this thread and I'll send out an email with the email addresses you used to sign up to the community with.

Kindest regards,


Thanks so much Julia, that's really helpful - I'm happy for you to send my e-mail address to Barb.

By the way, is there a separate thread where people can discuss the optional excursions on this trip? There's so many, I can't choose which ones to go for!



  • (Member)
Hi Katie,

That's great - as soon as I have Barbs consent I'll drop you both an email.

After a quick check there hasn't been one started for this specific date but you could always start one.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia - I'm happy for you to pass my email address to Katie.

Katie - I've been pondering excursions too - a thread discussing them would be great - hopefully would get some tips from previous travelers that could help us choose! I'd certainly like to decide on the Grand Canyon one before we go if poss because presumably it's the same price whenever we book it so will save taking extra dollars to cover it - unless someone advises it's better to wait!



  • (Member)

I have sent you both an email exchanging your details.

Kindest regards,


Puer aeternus
I've done this trip rwicw so here are some ideas on the excursions as asked:

Frisco bay boat trip[/b]: I personally don't see this as a necessity, you can see the bay just as good from the land! I preferred to spend my time exploring frisco area a bit more, by doing the tram car ride, go all the way to Nob Hill its well worth it and try to snag an outside seat, just remember to hold on!

Also, spend free time going to Couits Tower, great views of the area on a clear day, Walking around Chinatown is fun, also Haight-Ashbury area is fun for the hippy vibe. Pier 39 of course is a must, especially to see the sealions if they are all up on the platforms. Be prepared for the smell!

Do go to Alcatraz, the sense of how brutal people were treated in prison is palpable. Also spend a bit more time on the bridge, maybe walk/cycle across and catcxh the ferry back.

πŸ…±Universal Studios: This was an included trip when I did this holiday, must be only money the reason they made it optional. But it is still worth doing, lots to see and loads of rides if you're brave enough, the time goes very quickly when your there. For me this is a must do.

Also in your free time try and get to Hollywood, downtown LA and Beverly hills, we went to Rodeo Drive and the spectacle of the vacueuos rich set is amazing and the shops unreal, great fun!

The Vegas show thing, I think the Rat Pack show is not that good and a bit dated, unless of course you love the Rat Pack. We organised our own show, saw the Jersey Boys, it was one of the best shows i've seen in decades,

For the Grand Canyon, the 3 in 1 trip seems to be the best value from everyone that went on it, did not hear one grumble (apart from having to get up 3:30am, and being knackered when they got back!).

Can't remeber about the rest of the optionals, if someone reminds me I can give some info.

All in All this is a brilliant USA adventure.

Hi Puer, thanks very much for your thoughts on the excursions - and other ideas of what we could do - very helpful :thumbup:. You're clearly an aficionado of this trip so could you advise whether we should book Alcatraz in advance, or can we wait until we're there - I guess we'll have quite a limited timeframe so need to ensure we bag a suitable trip? You didn't mention the Sausalito and Muir Woods excursion – maybe that’s a new one since your time?

The Jersey Boys sounds good - a couple of people at work have also recommended it - so hope others in the group fancy it. Any idea how far the Paris Las Vegas is from the Stratosphere - walk or taxi ride?

Cheers Barb

Puer aeternus
Well hello me babbie! (bristol dialect apparantly......)

Well, sounds like a teddy bears picnic, if you go down to the woods today! Sausilito and Muir Woods are new, interesting to know what they are like from your feedback, when you get back!

You don't need to book Alcatraz, we just wandered up to the kiosk by the pier where it leaves, after the morning coach tour, and just bought a ticket for the next ferry. There were no queues, its out of 'peak' season, in fact someone who had pre-booked was able to go to the kiosk and just change his ticket for the same time as ours.

The Stratosphere is at the North end of the strip, so its a fair walk, not too bad for a fit athlete like me, but maybe a taxi would be easier for most! :thumbup:

Other trips, the cable car up the mountain in Palm Springs is a must, it revolves and it's great fun and when your at the top the views are amazing, and there are nice walks if the weather is good.

The Star's houses tour is, in my humble opinion, just not worth it. You drive round houses of people who are either dead, or left years ago, and all you see are hedges, walls and the occasional glimpse of a corner of a roof! :(

The living desert is all right, but nothing special, having done it once, I wouldnt do it again. First timers may want to do it to tick a box.

Back in SanFranCisco, watch out for the bushman, especially if you have a heart condition!!!! πŸ˜‰ if you meet him, you'll know what I mean.

Auntie D
'Puer wrote:

Well hello me babbie! (bristol dialect apparantly......)

Well, sounds like a teddy bears picnic, if you go down to the woods today! Sausilito and Muir Woods are new, interesting to know what there like from your feedback when you get back!

You dont need to book Alcatraz, we just wandered up to the kiosk by the peir where it leaves, after the morning coach tour, and just bought a ticket for the next ferry. There were no queues, its out of 'peak' season, in fack someone who had pre-booked was able to go to the kiosk and just change his ticket for the same time as ours.

The Stratosphere is at the North end of the strip, so its a fair walk, not too bad for a fit athlete like me, but maybe a taxi would be easier for most! :thumbup:

Other trips, the cable car up the mountain in Palm Springs is a must, it revolves and it great fun and when your at the top the views are amazing, and there are nice walks if the weather is good.

The Stars houses tour is, in my humble opinion, just not worth it. You drive round houses of people who are either dead, or left years ago, and all you see are hedges, walls and the occasional glimpse of a corner of a roof! :(

The living desert is all right, but nothing special, having done it once, I wouldnt do it again. First timers may want to do it to tick a box.

Back in SanFreanCisco, watch out for the bushman, especially if you have a heart condition!!!! πŸ˜‰ if you meet him, you'll know what I mean.

Hi BristolBarb,

Referring to Puer Aeternus posting, you don't really need to pay out for taxis ~ there is a double decker bus (I think they call it the Deuce) which runs up and down the strip for almost 24 hours. I say almost because the last night bus is 23.55 and the first day bus is 00.05!! You pay for a 24 hour ticket, can use it all day, and night, hopping on and off as many times as you wish.

There is a bus stop right outside the Stratosphere and I think well worth pursuing. It will certainly save you $$$ and you can "perv" on all the hotels as you sit back in comfort. It may take some time but it's worth trying it at least once.

Hope you enjoy your trip. San Francisco and Las Vegas are two of my favourite cities in the US.




Puer aeternus
had to edit my reply for spelling, Autospell check is so much easier!
Thanks Denise - the bus sounds like a great idea - will definitely check it out. My first trip to this side of America - really looking forward to it. Do you have any tips for the Grand Canyon?
Puer aeternus
'Auntie wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Well hello me babbie! (bristol dialect apparantly......)

Well, sounds like a teddy bears picnic, if you go down to the woods today! Sausilito and Muir Woods are new, interesting to know what there like from your feedback when you get back!

You dont need to book Alcatraz, we just wandered up to the kiosk by the peir where it leaves, after the morning coach tour, and just bought a ticket for the next ferry. There were no queues, its out of 'peak' season, in fack someone who had pre-booked was able to go to the kiosk and just change his ticket for the same time as ours.

The Stratosphere is at the North end of the strip, so its a fair walk, not too bad for a fit athlete like me, but maybe a taxi would be easier for most! :thumbup:

Other trips, the cable car up the mountain in Palm Springs is a must, it revolves and it great fun and when your at the top the views are amazing, and there are nice walks if the weather is good.

The Stars houses tour is, in my humble opinion, just not worth it. You drive round houses of people who are either dead, or left years ago, and all you see are hedges, walls and the occasional glimpse of a corner of a roof! :(

The living desert is all right, but nothing special, having done it once, I wouldnt do it again. First timers may want to do it to tick a box.

Back in SanFreanCisco, watch out for the bushman, especially if you have a heart condition!!!! πŸ˜‰ if you meet him, you'll know what I mean.

Hi BristolBarb,

Referring to Puer Aeternus posting, you don't really need to pay out for taxis ~ there is a double decker bus (I think they call it the Deuce) which runs up and down the strip for almost 24 hours. I say almost because the last night bus is 23.55 and the first day bus is 00.05!! You pay for a 24 hour ticket, can use it all day, and night, hopping on and off as many times as you wish.

There is a bus stop right outside the Stratosphere and I think well worth pursuing. It will certainly save you $$$ and you can "perv" on all the hotels as you sit back in comfort. It may take some time but it's worth trying it at least once.

Hope you enjoy your trip. San Francisco and Las Vegas are two of my favourite cities in the US.




Well remembered Denise, I had forgotton about the bus. There is also a monorail you can catch, (we caught it from the south end of the strip) that takes you right up to the Stratosphere, on the opposite side of the road. Hop off and its a short walk to the hotel.

I did walk from one end of the strip to the other once, it was hell, because it was so hot, and although you can see the hotel in the distance, no matter how long you are walking, you never seem to get any closer!

  • (Member)
Hi, I did this trip in April. If you really want to go to Alcatraz it is better to prebook, It may be different in September, however when we went people who had not booked and waited until they got there could not get the times to fit in when they wanted to go. I prebooked the 9.10 am sailing. on the third day which was very busy, by the time we came off at lunch time alcatraz was heaving, My advise would be to prebook to make sure you can go. Our Tour Manager Kim was excellant she gave us advise on where to go times of transport etc if we needed any help we only neede to ask, I did not book any prebookable tours before I went, incase there were alternatives which may be better for me (except for Alatraz). I found this to be the better Option . This is a wonderful holiday nonstop once you are on it, enjoy your holiday whatever you may do.