  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, would love to hear from anyone going on this trip who will be travelling from Manchester. I tried to go in May this year but it was cancelled due to lack of interest. Hope to hear from someone. Anne
Hi Anne,

I booked on the October Peru tour with the Amazon add-on today. I will be flying from Birmingham though (via Amsterdam to Peru), but I’m sure we will meet up on the tour at some point to say Hi. This will be the first trip that I do, so it’s a little daunting, but nice to know you are going too.


  • (Member)
Hi Anne and Karen

I did this tour last October, but didn't opt for the Amazon add on. It was just myself and another traveller who took the option of the local flight and onto Peru via Amsterdam. It is a very long first day travelling, the benefit is having the extra night in Lima to recover before heading up into the Andes. If you have any questions about the holiday I'll do my best to answer them.


Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for your reply. It seems like the best option to take the local flight and get the extra night in Lima to rest after the whole day travelling. I have only done one long flight that was 8 hours, so it will be interesting to see how I get on with this one!

How did you find the high altitude going up into the Andes and lake Titicaca? I’m just not sure what to expect.
