  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi everyone, would someone beable to tell me what the age groups usually are that go on holidays i am new to this and am really thinking of booking a holiday all information and feedback would be grateful. thanks
  • (Member)
Hi Polianne,

My name is Ben and I am your Editor; welcome to our community :)

I have moved your thread to 'say hello to other single travellers' as our travellers can offer a lot of insight on your question. However, I can add that we do have such a broad range of travellers of all sorts of ages. Age really isn't an issue with Just You, it's all just about seeing the world with like minded travellers and having fun whilst doing it regardless of age.



Mick W
  • (Member)

Welcome to the forum.

Your question is a regular for new travellers and is covered in the "share tips" section of this forum.



  • (Member)

Welcome to the JY forum.

Many people feel the same before taking the plunge and booking their first holiday however i have never heard of anyone regretting booking.

You'll have a great time!



Mel P
  • (Member)
'polianne' wrote:

hi everyone, would someone beable to tell me what the age groups usually are that go on holidays i am new to this and am really thinking of booking a holiday all information and feedback would be grateful. thanks

Hello Polianne,

This is a top question with many a debate on the Forum. If you search the Forum for "age question". This should answer your query. "Age is just a number" is one of the quotes. You have young people that are old for their time or older people who are young at heart. At the end of day, it really doesn't matter. I am on my fourth trip and have found all my fellow travellers to be both friendly and supportive whatever their age.Take the plunge. You will not regret it!. After all we are all in the same boat! ;)

If you wish to know the age and ratio male to female on your chosen trip you can post a thread to "Ask your Editor" and I am sure that Ben will oblige in answering your question. Good luck in your travels.


Auntie D
'Ben' wrote:

Hi Polianne,

My name is Ben and I am your Editor; welcome to our community :)

I have moved your thread to 'say hello to other single travellers' as our travellers can offer a lot of insight on your question. However, I can add that we do have such a broad range of travellers of all sorts of ages. Age really isn't an issue with Just You, it's all just about seeing the world with like minded travellers and having fun whilst doing it regardless of age.




Afternoon Polianne,

Welcome to the JY Community.

I've been on 8 JY holidays so far and am off to Tuscany on 23/5.

Age ranges are anything between 25-80, although all ages mix well together, the older ones usually take the younger ones "under their wings". No matter which holiday I've taken, USA and Europe, I've always thoroughly enjoyed myself and made some great friends.

So, take a leap of faith and decide where you want to go. If you are really concerned about the age demigraph, once you've decided on a holiday, get in touch with Ben again and he should be able to give you the age range for that particular holiday.

Good luck and enjoy wherever you decide to go, you'll not regret it, I promise you.



Hi Polianne.

I had the same concern whan i did my first JY tour last year. There is no need to be worried, on my tour people ranged form late 20's to over 80. I have another trip booked to Croatia in June and looking forward to it.

Hope you find a tour you like and just book it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
thanks everyone for your replys they have helped me,
  • (Member)
Hi Polianne

I do hope that you will now take the plunge and book a holiday. Life is too short - just go out there and explore the world and enjoy.



'polianne' wrote:

hi everyone, would someone beable to tell me what the age groups usually are that go on holidays i am new to this and am really thinking of booking a holiday all information and feedback would be grateful. thanks


I went on an Austrian Lakes tour not very long ago and the age group included some young people as well as more mature ones but we all got on extremely well so there should be no problem. GLORIAD