(Member) (Topic Starter)
Fancy going to India but cannot decide which trip. Has anyone any suggestions? Thanks in anticipation of your responses.
  • (Member)
Hi Roger, I suppose it depends what you are looking for! I did the Spirit of India last year and although I enjoyed it, I found the crowds, the litter (and sometimes the smells!) offputting! However, seeing a tiger in Ranthambore and the Taj Mahal up close were wonderful and memories that will stay with me forever. The Ganges boat ride was also very interesting. I'm told that there is a real contrast between the north of India where we were and the rest of the country, so I'd say that Kerala would definitely be worth doing, for a more relaxing and authentic Indian experience. I'd like to do Kerala a few years down the road and I think the itinerary sounds really lovely. Hope this helps!



  • (Member)
Hi Roger

I have heard Kerala is fantastic. I had booked the trip for October, but had to cancel. Look forward to rebooking next year in the hope that it will be on offer. Obviously all countries are different and standards are different. I find that if you go without any 'pre conceived' ideas then you will enjoy the trip more. One has to learn to take everything in their strides - good and bad. This way you will never have a 'bad' holiday! Mind you, these are my personal thoughts.


I wouldnt do either of them !!!

Why not look at Travelsphere.

I did 'Discover India and Nepal' for my very first singleton trip and as meals are included so you dont have to dine alone. The trip is so comprehensive that you dont have much 'alone' time anyway

You get SO much more for your money even with the single supplement. Also you can chose to go early in the year when it much cooler -around 25C! I went at the beginning of March and it was perfect

Yes the poverty is all around but you have to look past that and enjoy their country. The hotels are very Western anyway

If I can be of anymore help please let me know

Yours Sue:rolleyes:

India is an amazing country whether you travel with JU or any other company. I cycled across Rajasthan a few years ago and had a great time. I am seriously looking at Kerala with JU. Don't think about it for too long just go ahead and book. I am certain you won't be disappointed.
'Susanxyz' wrote:

I wouldnt do either of them !!!

Why not look at Travelsphere.

I did 'Discover India and Nepal' for my very first singleton trip and as meals are included so you dont have to dine alone. The trip is so comprehensive that you dont have much 'alone' time anyway

You get SO much more for your money even with the single supplement. Also you can chose to go early in the year when it much cooler -around 25C! I went at the beginning of March and it was perfect

Yes the poverty is all around but you have to look past that and enjoy their country. The hotels are very Western anyway

If I can be of anymore help please let me know

Yours Sue:rolleyes:


I've booked the Sprit of India in October, really looking forward to going, I do wish I had checked out Travlesphere, first, much cheaper and lots more for your money.