hi David
thank you very much for all this info. i will keep a look out for any JU travellers, but if i don't i will go and do the check in and get on the flight by myself( i m used to doing that). just hope at the other end i will met the rest of the group or tour leader !!
one other question please. how many are there usually in a group?
thank again for your help
looking forwards to it now.
On the JY trips I have been on there have been between 20 and 35 in the group. I like a large group but the only problems is remembering people’s names. Before I booked I was told that 22 people had already booked and that was enough for the trip to run.
If you want to know more details of the number of people and the tour manager you can ring JY or post a question in the “Ask the Editor” section but I would wait a few weeks before doing this.
I have not yet decided how I am getting to Heathrow for this trip. I live in the west midlands and usually drive down and stay in a hotel the night before. However the hotels seem dearer this time, probably because I normally go much earlier and later in the year.