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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi ! just booked my first solo holiday with Justyou. I'm booked to go to Andalucia, Hotel Mijas on 16th May, flying from Stansted. Anyone elso going or been there? Would be pleased to hear from anyone as feeling a bit apprehensive !
Hi Lollypop

And a warm welcome to your Just You Trip experience'

And you have chosen a great little trip as although I have not been on this one as yet. I have had some glowing reports on it.

The scenery is breath taking. So take your camera

Enjoy Andy

Hi Lollypop, I went to Andalucia, and the same hotel on my first holiday with JY. The holiday, tour manager and Hotel were fantastic, as were the excursions etc. Mijas is a lovely place, but the only problem I experienced was that I almost got myself arrested over the mistreatment of one of the donkeys. The owner was a horrible man, and another traveller and myself complained to thr Casa and the Donkey Sanctuary in Malaga got involved. I dont know what happened to the poor donkey. Otherwise this was a fantastic holiday, and you will have a fab time. In saying that you will have a fab time wherever you go with JY,

Happy Travelling. Sheil? Xx

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi brownowl, thanks for your reply. I have been to Andalucia before but this will be my first time alone. Reassuring to hear that you enjoyed it there. I will try and stay out of trouble ! (and away from donkeys ! )

from lollypop

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'JustAndy103' wrote:

Hi Lollypop

And a warm welcome to your Just You Trip experience'

And you have chosen a great little trip as although I have not been on this one as yet. I have had some glowing reports on it.

The scenery is breath taking. So take your camera

Enjoy Andy