Angela Bingham
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to all Just You travellers! This is my first post and I have just booked my first JY holiday! I am off to Apulia on the 23 June - anyone else out there going on this trip? If so would love to hear from you.
  • (Member)
Welcome Angela

I am not on this tour but I am sure you will have a great time.

Good Luck


  • (Member)
Hello ANgela

I am not on this tour but I have done 8 tours I am sure you will be fine


  • (Member)
Hello Angela

You will have a great time and will want to book another trip when you are back. I too have not been on this trip, but am sure you will have a great time.


Hi Angela

I have done 14 trips with Just You. The trip you are considering was actually on my list, As I have heard some great reports on it.

Wish I was going.



'Angela wrote:

Hi to all Just You travellers! This is my first post and I have just booked my first JY holiday! I am off to Apulia on the 23 June - anyone else out there going on this trip? If so would love to hear from you.

Hello Angela what a shame I am going too but in July on my very first solo holiday too . it sounds wonderful, though, doesn't it? i hope you have a great time .I would love to hear from anyone going on 24th July

  • (Member)
'Angela wrote:

Hi to all Just You travellers! This is my first post and I have just booked my first JY holiday! I am off to Apulia on the 23 June - anyone else out there going on this trip? If so would love to hear from you.

Hi Angela

I am also going on 23 June, this will be my second trip last year I went to China and had the best time ever. The people I went with were brilliant and alot of us have kept in touch, amazingly I met a lady who taught my son at school on the trip! I live in Devon and will travel up by coach, have never been to Gatwick before.


Angela Bingham
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Odie' wrote:

'Angela wrote:

Hi to all Just You travellers! This is my first post and I have just booked my first JY holiday! I am off to Apulia on the 23 June - anyone else out there going on this trip? If so would love to hear from you.

Hi Angela

I am also going on 23 June, this will be my second trip last year I went to China and had the best time ever. The people I went with were brilliant and alot of us have kept in touch, amazingly I met a lady who taught my son at school on the trip! I live in Devon and will travel up by coach, have never been to Gatwick before.


Hi Odie

Sorry for delay, forgot to check if anyone had replied to my post ! I live in Salisbury and am going to Gatwick by National Express coach. Leaves Salisbury at 9.10 AM so if by chance it is the same one as you look out for me !!

Gatwick not too bad to negotiate, I have flown from there before. Lovely to talk to someone going on the same trip, thanks for replying to me and I look forward to meeting you.

Angela Bingham
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Odie' wrote:

'Angela wrote:

Hi to all Just You travellers! This is my first post and I have just booked my first JY holiday! I am off to Apulia on the 23 June - anyone else out there going on this trip? If so would love to hear from you.

Hi Angela

I am also going on 23 June, this will be my second trip last year I went to China and had the best time ever. The people I went with were brilliant and alot of us have kept in touch, amazingly I met a lady who taught my son at school on the trip! I live in Devon and will travel up by coach, have never been to Gatwick before.

Hi Odie

Sorry don't quite no what happened but my last post to you never went anywhere !

I too am travelling to Gatwick by coach, National Express, from Salisbury. Gatwick is OK I have flown from there a lot but never on my own - scary.

I am looking forward to the holiday a lot, thank you for responding to my post and I look forward to meeting you.

Not sure whether you are male or female ?




Angela Bingham
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Odie

I really hope this works, its about the fourth attempt to reply to you ! I too am travelling to Gatwick by coach, National Express from Salisbury.

Looking forard a little anxiously to my first solo holiday but feel sure it will be great.

Thank you for replying to my post, look forward to meeting up with you.


  • (Member)
Hi Ange

Don't worry have only just looked on here again. Starting to count the days now.


PS I'm female.

Angela Bingham
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Odie' wrote:

Hi Ange

Don't worry have only just looked on here again. Starting to count the days now.


PS I'm female.

Hi Odie

I think my problem with my posts was I didn't know about the delay in them showing as they had to go through the moderators so I kept on reposting !

Can't wait to get some sun !

See you on 23rd.
