(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi people,Im hoping to go on one of jy holidays soon,havent decided where yet.I lost my husband 4 weeks ago,and I am lost.Thought a change of scene might be something to look forward to in a couple of months.I have always travelled with him,so this is a big step for me.Thinking of Spain or Italy,has anyone any thoughts or suggestions please.
Bridget Jane
Hi Denise,

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband four and a half years ago. Although we all go through the process in our own way I feel I can empathise with you. It took me two and a half years to pluck up the courage to go on my first Just you holiday as a solo traveller and I was SO nervous. There was no need to be. I went to Kenya and had the holiday of a life time!!! Everyone was so lovely. I never felt alone or afraid at any time and the tour manager was fantastic. Everyone was, for various different reasons, in the same boat. I am off to Peru in two weeks time and am already planning my 2013 holiday. I really have got the bug and haven't looked back. The only thing I would advise, however, is, it seems only a short time since finding yourself on your own. Do take a little time to make sure you are really ready and then take the plunge. When you do, I can assure you you will be SO glad you did. I wish you the very best of luck and some wonderful holidays ahead of you,

all the very best,


  • (Member)
Welcome Denise

I am sorry that you have lost your Husband this must be a very hard time for you. I can understand that you feel lost. Can I assure you that JY is a very safe way to travel have a look at the two video links at the top of the board page by Lovely LESLEY AND NIXON (That's me) it might give you an idea of things. I have done the Tuscany Higlight tour last year and this is a very nice little tour to start with, not to far and lots to see. The other tour I really enjoyed was Austrian Lakes stunning scenery, I hope you find something and give JY a go they are great fun. If I can help you with anything else just ask.


My first holiday on my own after losing my husband was to China, I really wanted to do something very different, and not visit somewhere we had been together. Wherever you go have a good time, I know it is a bit of a cliche but time is a great healer, and you will meet lots of friendly fellow travellers with Just You
  • (Member)
hiya I know how you are feeling, I also lost my husband 15months ago. I had always wanted to go to australia and so I bit the bullet and booked it. I am due to go in 2 weeks time and am very nervous at the moment but just going to take it one step at a time and hope I will enjoy it.
'deniseangela' wrote:

Hi people,Im hoping to go on one of jy holidays soon,havent decided where yet.I lost my husband 4 weeks ago,and I am lost.Thought a change of scene might be something to look forward to in a couple of months.I have always travelled with him,so this is a big step for me.Thinking of Spain or Italy,has anyone any thoughts or suggestions please.

I went on my first JY holiday to Vietnam just a few months after my husband died. It was the best thing I could have done! The people on the trip were so very welcoming and I never once felt alone. It was truly wonderful and I gained a wealth of experience from others who had been widowed! Just book it and enjoy the preparation and anticipation as well as the holiday, I'm sure you will love it! I am off to China with JY in May and hope to do another trip later the year! Just go for it!

  • (Member)
Hi i have just booked my first jy holiday to cilento coast on the 17th june I lost my husband 18 months ago and like you we always went away together Im a bit nervous but would suggest you do when you are ready and it will give you something to look forward to
Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Denise,

It took my a year to go on my first JY holiday after losing my partner, in hindsight I should have done it sooner. I've now done 5 trips with my 6th booked.

Just pick the holiday you fancy and give it a go.


  • (Member)
'deniseangela' wrote:

Hi people,Im hoping to go on one of jy holidays soon,havent decided where yet.I lost my husband 4 weeks ago,and I am lost.Thought a change of scene might be something to look forward to in a couple of months.I have always travelled with him,so this is a big step for me.Thinking of Spain or Italy,has anyone any thoughts or suggestions please.

I can really empathise with a lot of you as I lost my husband November 2010, it is very hard to find yourself suddenly alone. I am booked to go to China with the add on on 22nd August, looking forward to it as I have wanted to go there for so long. Wouldn't have done it had my OH been here as he wasn't interested.

I am very nervous but know that if I don't do this I will end up never going away. From what I have read on this site, people are on there own so you are not "different".


Hi Deniseanglea

I would imagine it can be very daunting at first after losing a partner. I have done 14 trips with Just You with another booked for April to The Bulgarian Black Sea for the 2nd time. I can highly recommend it. It is also slightly cheaper than Spain I would say at the moment and it is a country definately on the up. On my various past trips I have had the honour of meeting fellow trippers in a similar boat to yourself. Some to whom I am still in contact with regularly. And they have all come back with a similar answer saying it was the best thing that they had done.

I can also support Nixon recommendation to Austrian Lakes as I also been on that one twice before to.

If I can be of furhter assistance, Please feel free to get in touch.

But watever destiantion you fancy, You will not be disappointed. Have a look through the brochures, Select something within your budget and pick the phone up and call one of the Just You advisers.

Good luck and all the very best

Regards Andy

Hi Deniseangela,

Welcome to us at Just You.

You know what I am going to say - I know exactly how you feel, been there, done that etc. etc.

My first Just You trip was Xmas 2007 & I haven't looked back. I have not done Spain, but I did the Sorrento trip last September (for my birthday) so I can recommend that, although the Cilento Coast trip looks interesting.

Go where you think you would like to start off with, then you can always progress to something more adventurous when you are ready. What I can guarantee is that you will be glad you did. You will make lots of new friends and like Andy, I am still in touch with friends I have made on every trip.

I have also done the Austrian Lakes tour and that is another one for you to consider. But it is Your holiday so you go where you want to go.

I am off to Peru in less than 2 weeks - on the same trip as Bridget - so I am looking forward to this. This is my 'difficult' time of year so I go somewhere I know I will enjoy. Last year it was China. There is a wonderful world out there just waiting for you - so go and enjoy yourself!!

Let us know where you decided to go - we are interested. Yes, the videos may help too. Have a wonderful holiday. Perhaps our paths may cross someday.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: Birthday treat this year is Route 66 - always wanted to go so -Yippee!!

'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Hi Deniseangela,

Welcome to us at Just You.

You know what I am going to say - I know exactly how you feel, been there, done that etc. etc.

My first Just You trip was Xmas 2007 & I haven't looked back. I have not done Spain, but I did the Sorrento trip last September (for my birthday) so I can recommend that, although the Cilento Coast trip looks interesting.

Go where you think you would like to start off with, then you can always progress to something more adventurous when you are ready. What I can guarantee is that you will be glad you did. You will make lots of new friends and like Andy, I am still in touch with friends I have made on every trip.

I have also done the Austrian Lakes tour and that is another one for you to consider. But it is Your holiday so you go where you want to go.

I am off to Peru in less than 2 weeks - on the same trip as Bridget - so I am looking forward to this. This is my 'difficult' time of year so I go somewhere I know I will enjoy. Last year it was China. There is a wonderful world out there just waiting for you - so go and enjoy yourself!!

Let us know where you decided to go - we are interested. Yes, the videos may help too. Have a wonderful holiday. Perhaps our paths may cross someday.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

PS: Birthday treat this year is Route 66 - always wanted to go so -Yippee!!

Slightly different story for me, my husband left me for another woman we met on a holiday to Eastern Turkey 18 months ago, after 45 years, but it ends up the same we have to face life on our own which is never easy.

I bit the bullet as it were and went to the discovery weekend in Bournemouth on Feb. 17th, I had a really super time everyone was so friendly and we all knew what it was like to be alone.I am booked to go with' just you' to China on April 25th with the Yangze add on cruise and now I know I will be alright.

There is only one way to go, and that is forward into a new life.No one knows what it will hold for you, but I wish you God's blessing and a very safe journey. Try to keep smiling, not always possible though,

the lighter nights are coming and that will help you.

Hopefully we may meet up somewhere one day.
