  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, this might sound odd but I have been looking at the singles holidays for myself and my sister. Both single now and would like to travel a bit more, the singles holidays look good as there is a little more organisation to them and help on hand, but more than that I think it wouldn't end up as us amongst a load of couples. Is it ok to book with Just You and have a twin room (is it possible to do that?) or do you actually have to be alone and single? Thanks for your help anyone
  • (Member)
Hi Esme

You and your sister would be very welcome with Just You. It's not at all unusual for some of our customers to travel with a friend - sometimes a person they met on a previous Just You holiday.

You wouldn't be able to book one room between you as Just You always books one room per person but it sounds like this would still be a better option for you than travelling with couples on a Travelsphere holiday.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Esme,

When I did Mallorca last Easter there were 4 pairs of friends, 2 cousins, mother & daughter, 2 work colleagues and 2 friends from previous trips.

I met up with a friend from a previous trip myself on my last holiday.

One piece of advice, part of the holiday is meeting the many nice people on the trip, its easy when you go as a pair to just stick together and miss out.


I feel that if you are booking a holiday for singles the writing is on the label ! Going with a friend or relative you may find you do not interact with others, the general idea, i think of the holiday..
  • (Member)

Before I started travelling on my own with Just You, I used to holiday with my brother, sister and sometimes my mother. Travelling together did not stop us from interacting with other travellers on the same holiday. In fact we still keep in touch with people we met on holiday in 1982! It is up to the individual to make an effort - you either stay with the person you are travelling or you mix with everyone and have more fun!


Hi Esme

On my trip to Peru with Just You a couple of years ago, there was a lady that travelled with her sister on the tour. She seemed to spend all the time with her sister though, and didn't really mingle with the rest of the group at all, which was a shame, because we would have liked to have gotten to know them both.

I would say, as the other replies have mentioned, if you have a travelling partner, you might find it a better option to book through Travelsphere, as then you could both share a room, and would keep the cost down for you both, but otherwise I'm sure you'd be made to feel welcome whether you booked Travelsphere or Just You.

Hope that helps


  • (Member)
Using Just You, you will mix well regardless if you are travelling with someone.

I've used Just You several times as a single traveller. I used Travelsphere as a single traveller last year. The "couples" varied. Most were married couples, 2 set's of mother/daughter, 3 other "single" people, and a husband & wife with their son.

Both parts of the company - people mixed well.

Happy travelling!


  • (Member)
I was on a trip with JY last year and out of a group of 24 there were 3 pairs of friends and a group of 5! They kept to their friends and had little to do with us singles. The whole point of JY is for Singles to holiday together. If you have a friend then go with Travelsphere you can always book a single room with them which seems to be about the same cost a JY.
Mick W
  • (Member)

I agree to the extent I would feel a group of 5 within a singles holiday is a bit over the top and they are almost certain to stick together. Also potentially 5 could by quite a high ratio of the group so it could leave other singles feeling isolated.

Friends travelling in pairs I've seen both sides, those that mix and those that don't. Personaly I don't think it effects the group as a whole, those that dont integrate actually miss out.

Saying all this we must not lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of us are single travellers and have a great time.


  • (Member)
Yes Sue 2. On many of the JY holidays I have been on there have been pairs or small groups of people who have met on previous JY holidays. Whilst it is fantastic that they have made friends - and shows how enjoyable JY holidays are - I have found that they do not mix as well with the main group, and it reduces the number of people that solo travellers can interact with. Those in pairs don't have the same need to socialise with individuals and, sorry, but some seem to want to stick together. This could cause anxiety for people who are rather shy, or for first-timers, and make them feel a bit left out.

Just You is for Single Travellers - it says so on the brochure. Can we please keep it that way? It IS the perfect answer for those travelling alone, providing wonderful holidays. Those travelling together can have just as wonderful a time with Travelsphere, either in twin or single rooms.

Anyone else feel as strongly as I do?

I tend to agree with Sue2 and Lizabc. I got to Gatwick very early last year, and so was checked in early. (It was my first time with Just You). So I didnt meet up with anyone else in the group until I got to the departure point, and on the flight out I was sitting on my own. There was a group of 4 and several couples that had obviously met up on other holidays. Don't get me wrong, they were nice people and apart from one "couple" they did mix, as far as speaking to other people, and sitting with them for meals, but as a first timer I had expected, or perhaps assumed that everybody would be "single". For the first couple of days it made me feel a little intrusive when I was sitting with them or talking to them. It hasn't put me off and I have just booked another holiday for May. I am used to travelling on my own, but for anyone who is really shy it might be difficult.
  • (Member)
I strongly agree with Lizabc she has summed up exactly my thoughts, if you are firm friends or a group, and are happy in your own company, go with Travelsphere, therefore not diluting the number of single people for those of us travelling alone which I thought was the idea of Just You

Ange S

I have travelled with a friend I met on a previous Just You holiday, but the deal we made beforehand was that we were not a couple and that we would mix with everyone else. Somewhat later, I again travelled alone with Just You where almost half of the travellers were already in groups (including a group of 5), and that did not work too well for the lone travellers. By all means book with Just You, but be sure to mix with everyone else – that’s part of the fun.
Mick W
  • (Member)
Just for any newbies reading this, don't get the idea that JY holidays are full of people coming in groups, pairs, etc, they are not. Yes there are some but not on all holidays and on all the trips I've done the vast majority are singles.

'lizabc' wrote:

Yes Sue 2. On many of the JY holidays I have been on there have been pairs or small groups of people who have met on previous JY holidays. Whilst it is fantastic that they have made friends - and shows how enjoyable JY holidays are - I have found that they do not mix as well with the main group, and it reduces the number of people that solo travellers can interact with. Those in pairs don't have the same need to socialise with individuals and, sorry, but some seem to want to stick together. This could cause anxiety for people who are rather shy, or for first-timers, and make them feel a bit left out.

Just You is for Single Travellers - it says so on the brochure. Can we please keep it that way? It IS the perfect answer for those travelling alone, providing wonderful holidays. Those travelling together can have just as wonderful a time with Travelsphere, either in twin or single rooms.

Anyone else feel as strongly as I do?

I agree, it is what is says in the brochure - a holiday for single travellers, let's keep it that way!
  • (Member)
'lizabc' wrote:

Yes Sue 2. On many of the JY holidays I have been on there have been pairs or small groups of people who have met on previous JY holidays. Whilst it is fantastic that they have made friends - and shows how enjoyable JY holidays are - I have found that they do not mix as well with the main group, and it reduces the number of people that solo travellers can interact with. Those in pairs don't have the same need to socialise with individuals and, sorry, but some seem to want to stick together. This could cause anxiety for people who are rather shy, or for first-timers, and make them feel a bit left out.

Just You is for Single Travellers - it says so on the brochure. Can we please keep it that way? It IS the perfect answer for those travelling alone, providing wonderful holidays. Those travelling together can have just as wonderful a time with Travelsphere, either in twin or single rooms.

Anyone else feel as strongly as I do?

I agree with you. Went on a JY trip over 12 months ago for a week. There were 3 friends on the trip who not only did not mix with the group but they ate separately on a table for 3 for all their meals whilst the rest of us ate on 2 long tables and mixed well. They isolated themselves for the 7 days. Please keep JY for singles.

  • (Member)
Having read this thread I feel compelled to comment to the extent that I think some of the points raised are very judgemental.

Whether a person or group of people interact or not is all down to individual personality. A person travelling on their own is equally capable of not interacting with others just as much as a person travelling with someone they have met before.

It is ridiculous to suggest that Just You holidays become exclusive to those with no prior connections, if you want to take the literal meaning then everyone on the holidays should be single. This would also then exclude all the married people travelling on their own due to various reasons such as their spouse being ill, not like flying etc and deny them the oppurtunity of having a well earned holiday.

One of the positive things I noticed on my first Just You trip last year was there was no elitism. Yes there were people who already knew each other but if they were just as welcoming as everybody else.

I am a single traveller & this year I am going on the same Just You holiday as a friend I met on my Just You holiday last year. No I don't want to share a room or spend all my time with him but yes I do want to visit some more fantastic places with like minded people. No doubt with some of these attitudes we will be lynched.........

  • (Member)
'Chumps' wrote:

Having read this thread I feel compelled to comment to the extent that I think some of the points raised are very judgemental.

Whether a person or group of people interact or not is all down to individual personality. A person travelling on their own is equally capable of not interacting with others just as much as a person travelling with someone they have met before.

It is ridiculous to suggest that Just You holidays become exclusive to those with no prior connections, if you want to take the literal meaning then everyone on the holidays should be single. This would also then exclude all the married people travelling on their own due to various reasons such as their spouse being ill, not like flying etc and deny them the oppurtunity of having a well earned holiday.

One of the positive things I noticed on my first Just You trip last year was there was no elitism. Yes there were people who already knew each other but if they were just as welcoming as everybody else.

I am a single traveller & this year I am going on the same Just You holiday as a friend I met on my Just You holiday last year. No I don't want to share a room or spend all my time with him but yes I do want to visit some more fantastic places with like minded people. No doubt with some of these attitudes we will be lynched.........

Dear Chumps

Please do not feel affronted by mine and others' comments. Just remember to socialise with people who are on their own, as that is the reason they are travelling with JY. And, of course married people who are travelling singly are welcome. Please socialise with them too.

I wonder if JY management are aware of this thread? :sleepy:

Bridget Jane
There are so many other travel companies for couples or groups to use but so few for us solo travelers. There are many reasons why people travel solo. Bereavement(as is in my case) is just one of them. I personally do not wish to travel with many couples or groups as I would find it very emotionally difficult. Which is exactly why I picked Just You to travel with. The risk of diluting the company of solo's with couples could lead to solo's feeling marginalised and awkward especially if the group was small, no matter how friendly the couples/groups may be. If you are thinking of traveling with a friend or relative please choose one of the VERY many holiday companies who specialise in these holidays and leave the rare groups such as Just You to the solo/single traveller.