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Hey everyone

I have just booked a holiday with Just you for the first time to the "Highlights of Peru". It was after reading so many post's and reviews at "Just For You" I thought I give this holiday a try and see what it's like. I'm 28 so I believe that I could be one of the youngest but of course I could be wrong:D

Difference in age does not bother me at all. Just wondering who else has booked this one?


  • (Member)
I did this last year, You'll have a great time. Don't worry about age - I've done about 10 of these holidays and age ranges are anywhere between late twenties to late seventies (I'm earlier 40's). Women do tend to outnumber men.
Hi Brad & welcome to Just You,

Don't worry about the age range on your trip - it makes no difference as everyone gets on really well and your tour manager will make sure you do not feel left out.

Could you do me a favour please? When you get back could you give me some feedback on this trip as it's on my 'to do' list. I would like to do this one (amongst others) next year. So many choices, so little time....

Have a brilliant holiday. I hope it is the first of many - enjoy!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Hi Brad & welcome to Just You,

Don't worry about the age range on your trip - it makes no difference as everyone gets on really well and your tour manager will make sure you do not feel left out.

Could you do me a favour please? When you get back could you give me some feedback on this trip as it's on my 'to do' list. I would like to do this one (amongst others) next year. So many choices, so little time....

Have a brilliant holiday. I hope it is the first of many - enjoy!!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Thank you very much Lesley for the response. I will certainly let you know how it went in September :-)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Annam' wrote:

I did this last year, You'll have a great time. Don't worry about age - I've done about 10 of these holidays and age ranges are anywhere between late twenties to late seventies (I'm earlier 40's). Women do tend to outnumber men.

Thank you Annam 🙂

Thanks Brad - you're a star.

Will look forward to hearing from you in September. Wish I was going too but I am off to Sorrento in September for my birthday - so maybe next year - this holidaying lark gets so addictive!

Have a great time - not long to wait now. Enjoy, enjoy enjoy,

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'LovelyLesley1' wrote:

Thanks Brad - you're a star.

Will look forward to hearing from you in September. Wish I was going too but I am off to Sorrento in September for my birthday - so maybe next year - this holidaying lark gets so addictive!

Have a great time - not long to wait now. Enjoy, enjoy enjoy,

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hello Lesley

Just came back from Peru last Friday and still feeling Jet lagged but I must say what a holiday it has been brillant. If you appricate the history and the scenery then this is the holiday for you! OK Here are the recommended vaccinations to have are Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, Typhoid Fever & Tetanus, if you are going to the Jungle (amazon add on) it is also suggested that you have Yellow fever and take Malaria tablets. But I suggest you get advice from your doctor.

The currency is over there is Nuevo sol, but they also accept US dollars. There are cashpoints easily available in the Lima and in Cusco, there are a very limited amount of cash points in Puno and they are not likely to work. I took £500 worth of Nuevo Sol but I only spent around £250 worth and that included souvenirs. This was over a total period of 11 days. We started of in Lima got shown around the capital city and been in a couple of cathedrals. Then in Cusco we visited Pisaq and saw Inca and colonial architecture and the ruined mighty stone Sacsayhuaman Fortress plus much more. This is where we started going into high attitude which I did not encounter a problem with at all and it does not matter about your age or fitness. A young top class athlete could have problems and an old person that does no excercise at all and be absolutely fine. I only experienced slight shortness of breath after going up a few flight of stairs. Drinking COCA tea which are provided at the hotels lobby area is intended to cope with altitude sickness. Pure oxygen is provided at the hotel receiption if it's ever needed. Due to moving to a high altitude any packaging thats sealed. E.g a packet of crisps, toothpaste etc will expand quite a bit. At still high altitude The next day to Machu Picchu and that was really good. You walk in and around the ruined city and walked high up to see it from a birds eye view, it was amazing! Then moving on to Lake Titicaca which I believe is in Puno we took a boat trip to all the little islands which are mate purely of long straw made to a thinkness of 1.7 metres and is anchored down. It feels like your on solid ground! Then back to Lima, since going back down to normal altitude any opened bottle of water or toothpastes that was opened at high altitude will cave in due to more air pressure. Then it was a farwell meal then head back to UK next day. People that did the jungle stayed on and did that but I did'nt do that. I hope this gives you some idea of what to expect in Peru. It is hard if not impossible to put into words. I will be aiming to get a slideshow of pictures and Video on youtube very soon but I've got to put it together yet, once I do i'll keep you updated. Regards Bradley

Carol King

I am really pleased I have read your feedback as I have booked for May. I didn't realise how many injections I would be looking forward too.

Thank you for your interesting facts I am now getting excited.


Hi Bradley,

For some reason I have not seen your feedback until now - but think it might be because I was away in Sorrento.

Anyway thank you for the information on the injections needed. I will get these done as obviously I do not want to leave it until the last minute.I have made a note of which ones I will need to get done now as I had some done in March this year to go to China.

I was interested in your comments about the altitude sickness as some of my friends told me that this could be a problem. This has not put me off and your information about the trip in general have convinced me that I made the right decision, because I booked to go to Peru in March when I got back from Sorrento. I am not doing the Amazon add on but as long as I get to see Machu Picchu I will be happy.

The information about currency was really helpful too. I think the only other information I will need is regarding adaptors for charging electrical items like camera, hairdryer and mobile (although I am not sure if I will get a signal there).

Thanks once again for making the effort to give me feedback. I hope you enjoy your next holiday (wherever that may be).

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel: