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Does it matter?

The only way I am going to get a holiday this year is by travelling solo :rolleyes: Apart from the normal nervous as hell feeling most seem to feel...I'm wondering if I would feel out of place amongst single folk?

Georgie F
Hi Brigitte! Worry not, us single folk don't feel out of place around couples, so I'm sure you'll be just fine. All in all we are there on our own 🙂
  • (Member)

I take it you have a significant other!!!???????

I have been married for 30 yearsand still am!!! but I travel solo, and leave him at home a tour is his idea of hell.I travel at least once if not twice a year..OK so if theres any questions just ask me..Good Luck


Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Brigitte,

I've done 3 JY trips as a single but have since returned to the dating game and am in the same boat as I'm on a JY holiday next week (booked before I met the GF).

However from what I've seen of the holidays I've done I don't see a problem generally people are there for a good and not looking for romance,its not a dating agency. Not saying some don't meet on these trips but its a small minority.

I've also read other posters say they are marrried or in a relationship but prefer different holidays from their partners.


I have just come back from Bulgeria and going to Malta next week with Just You. Everyone is in the same boat and feel the same, I was so nervous nearly backed out at the airport. but when you speak to everyone you are soon at ease. The ages on our holiday went from 40 - 80 but almost everyone got on. If you are unsure go one a discovery weekend break yourself in gently.
  • (Member)
'Brigitte' wrote:

Does it matter?

The only way I am going to get a holiday this year is by travelling solo :rolleyes: Apart from the normal nervous as hell feeling most seem to feel...I'm wondering if I would feel out of place amongst single folk?


I am in the same state as you, so please do not feel alone.


Hi Brigitte, welcome to the forum:)

Although most on a JY holiday will be single there may also be some who are in relationships but are travelling alone.

The ones in relationships usually go on these breaks for a variety of personal reasons. In my case I have a long haul beach holiday with my wife and then we do our own thing for short breaks. Initially it was because we couldn't always get the same time off work but as we have different interests we found it worked well for us and decided to stick with it.

I'm booked on the Walking in the Ahr Valley trip next month and may do Prague later in the year.

Your concern is similar to the one I had a few years ago but I was reassured on the forum then and I hope you will be reassured now.

My advice would be to go for it.


  • (Member)
You won't feel out of place! I've done about 10 of these holidays.

Won't ever holiday you go on, you'll have a fab time

  • (Member)
'Brigitte' wrote:

Does it matter?

The only way I am going to get a holiday this year is by travelling solo :rolleyes: Apart from the normal nervous as hell feeling most seem to feel...I'm wondering if I would feel out of place amongst single folk?

You won't feel out of place. I've done about 10 of these holidays. You'll have a fab time with whichever holiday you go with

  • (Member)
Simple answer - "NO!"

My circumstances are, completely different from yours, but my experiences may help answer your question.

Since before my first JY holiday in 2009, my personal and marital life has been far from straightforward, but this has not been an issue at all with JY. There is no culture of people on JY holidays being on the pull, nor have I ever been asked awkward questions.

While the majority of people I have met on my 3 JY holidays have been single, some have been happily married, others like me, in neither situation.

These holidays are very special!

I am in the same situation and I have been reassured reading these replies. I am going on the Americas Golden West in July and am sure that it will be great for singles and solo travellers alike.Lizzie