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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Just getting used to using the forum.

I'm new to Just You.

Anyone done the trip to New York and how was it? I'm planning on going in October, but this will be my first time on holiday I'm currently going through a divorce.

Are there any others who have been through a similar situation....I'm keen to go but don't know if it will be very odd going alone!!!!

Not that anyone wants my sob story...just also looking to make new friends!

Hi Amelie

I haven't done the trip to New York, but I have done several JY holidays. What I can tell you is that it definitely won't feel odd. Everyone with you will also be going alone, but you will be together. Everyone has their own reasons for travelling alone, and as you get to know each other, generally a few stories unfold, especially after a few glasses of wine. Some are divorced, some bereaved, some single from choice, some have partners who either don't enjoy traveling or who are unable to travel. This sort of group makes for a great distraction from what, for some, is a difficult time. All will be hoping to meet new friends and share experiences with them.

I hope you have a great time - I'm sure you will.


  • (Member)
Hi Amelie,

I can only endorse what Toni has said - and she has said it all much better than I ever could! Please do book, it could be the start of a whole new life for you!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

I agree as well with all that Toni Has said. Just for the record, I am one of the ones who is travelling alone because HUBBY hates touring...and he is happy for me to go and tour while he gets some peace and quite! Been travelling with JY since 2006....I have been in tours that include New York Twice, last September I did an add on to stay in New York to do my OWN THING great time I had so any questions just ask...
