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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have booked to go on the all inc tour to Kenya (Mombasa and East Tsavo NP safari). I would like some advice regarding malaria risks there. Malaria hotspots gives some good recommendations but I am unsure whether you need to stay completely covered up all day long either whilst on safari or in Mombasa? I am OK regarding malaria tablets but would like to know about repellent. I have the jungle formula max strength which is 20-50% deet but I have read that clothes should be sprayed with 100% deet and that there may be a need for a mosquito net over the bed which has been treated with permethrin. If anyone has done this holiday before I would be grateful to hear your experiences as this is putting me off going now.



Dont panic too much ,it is best to have a 50% at least Deet Spray,I must admit I went last year and never had a bite or anything as long as you make sure about your Malaria Tablets and take them as prescribed and put your mosquito net over of a night, I was quite frightened but there is nothing to worry about,I didnt even spray my arms or legs and was ok. When you get to Mombasa it's even less. At Tsavo on the last night you are out in the open and most of the dining areas are not covered in so if you are worried just have a good spray. Enjoy cos it is a wonderful trip,I am going back next year to work at the "Tumaini" Orphanage in Mombasa, I visited while I was there and fell in love with the kids so much just going to help out for 3 weeks. Have a Wonderful time cos It's Amazing. Regards Rosemary
Hi Rosemary, i to am going to Kenya, so itwas interesting to read your is a great help.

I was wondering if you could also help with, what is the best curancy to take with me?

Regard Vee

'Claire53' wrote:


I have booked to go on the all inc tour to Kenya (Mombasa and East Tsavo NP safari). I would like some advice regarding malaria risks there. Malaria hotspots gives some good recommendations but I am unsure whether you need to stay completely covered up all day long either whilst on safari or in Mombasa? I am OK regarding malaria tablets but would like to know about repellent. I have the jungle formula max strength which is 20-50% deet but I have read that clothes should be sprayed with 100% deet and that there may be a need for a mosquito net over the bed which has been treated with permethrin. If anyone has done this holiday before I would be grateful to hear your experiences as this is putting me off going now.



Hi Clair, i was wondering when you are going out to Kenya, im to am going on this trip on the 16th of May, im so looking forward to it, it sound like every one had a great time......

Regards VEE

Hello Vee

You will need to get Kenyan Schillings, everything is so cheap out there and I hope you have a lovely time and anything else you would like to know please dont hesitate in contacting me

Regards Rosemary x

  • (Member)
I would like to add to Rosemary's comment as I was on the same tour, and I got eaten alive, really bad. I ended up on antihistamine medication, I was useing 50% DEET spray morning noon and night and was always under a net for sleeping, it really is if they like you your gonna get bitten I always get bitten by anything, so I knew they would seek me out. As Rosemary's say's it is a fantastic trip. Kenyan shillings is the way to go for money or the locals love English Sterling as it means more money for them I think.


Di Slator
Hi everyone, it is interesting reading. I am going on 27.4 and have assumed a mosquito net will be provided, can anyone confirm that please. Also I have read 2 different reports on the electricity. I know it is 3 pin, but do our plugs/wattage fit theirs or do we still need adaptors?





  • (Member)

I stayed at the Aruba Lodge Hotel and the Travellers Beach hotel, Nets over the bed were provided in both hotels.


'2468rosemary' wrote:

Hello Vee

You will need to get Kenyan Schillings, everything is so cheap out there and I hope you have a lovely time and anything else you would like to know please dont hesitate in contacting me

Regards Rosemary x

Hello Rosemary, a big thank you, that has been a big help to me.

shall i take a evening dress with me, or will i not need one ?

Regards Vee x

  • (Member)

I took 4 dresses for the tour and wore them all, as was so hot and humid..the long maxi style ones,not really evening dress, if you know what I mean.


Hi Vee,

An Evening Dress is a definite No, we all like to look glam but it is very casual,a nice top with Linen Trousers or a Strappy Dress, you'll be fine and when you get to Mombasa same again really, anything goes if you felt under dressed you can always add some extra beads or a Flower on your top, but I am sure you'll be fine.Nice but not over dressy, I envy you please let me know how you get on and if you come across Ezekial who is a Somak Rep in Kenya he is lovely please give him my regards and tell him I am coming out next year.

Thank you Regards Rosemary

'nixon' wrote:


I took 4 dresses for the tour and wore them all, as was so hot and humid..the long maxi style ones,not really evening dress, if you know what I mean.


I thought she asked me

'2468rosemary' wrote:

Hi Vee,

An Evening Dress is a definite No, we all like to look glam but it is very casual,a nice top with Linen Trousers or a Strappy Dress, you'll be fine and when you get to Mombasa same again really, anything goes if you felt under dressed you can always add some extra beads or a Flower on your top, but I am sure you'll be fine.Nice but not over dressy, I envy you please let me know how you get on and if you come across Ezekial who is a Somak Rep in Kenya he is lovely please give him my regards and tell him I am coming out next year.

Thank you Regards Rosemary

Hi Rosemary , i will tell him if our paths cross. and yes i will let you know how the hole trip was for me ...


'2468rosemary' wrote:

'nixon' wrote:


I took 4 dresses for the tour and wore them all, as was so hot and humid..the long maxi style ones,not really evening dress, if you know what I mean.


I thought she asked me

Hi Again Cindy, thank god i don't need the evening dress,

What trip are you going on this year?


  • (Member)

This year I am off to Tuscany in May, so very soon, then as far as I know that's it till January 2012 when I am off to New Zealand, so that's another big one 20 days and lots to see and do. But you never know if the family get on my nerves!!! I might just go missing again on another trip. There are a couple of USA tours that hold an interest to me. I also love animals so I shall just have to see what JY has that's new when the bochures come out.

BTW on all the tours I have done I have never NEEDED an evening dress!!! which is just as well as I don't own one. You have a great time on your trip. I know you will .


  • (Member)
No evening dress needed just smart casual. I went last march 2010 had a fantastic holiday. both hotels are first class Just enjoy. Mary G
  • (Member)

NO evening dress just smart casual I went march 2010 had a fantastic holiday. Both hotels first class Just Enjoy Mary G:)

'nixon' wrote:


This year I am off to Tuscany in May, so very soon, then as far as I know that's it till January 2012 when I am off to New Zealand, so that's another big one 20 days and lots to see and do. But you never know if the family get on my nerves!!! I might just go missing again on another trip. There are a couple of USA tours that hold an interest to me. I also love animals so I shall just have to see what JY has that's new when the bochures come out.

BTW on all the tours I have done I have never NEEDED an evening dress!!! which is just as well as I don't own one. You have a great time on your trip. I know you will .


Hi Cindy, im glad i don't need the evening dress, i have a few maxies so will take them,

Im thinking of New York, for my next trip, next year. but would love to go on a small one just round up the year, im a widow so no one to hold me back,

You have been a great help to me, as a few others have been,

My boss is now looking at the JY for him self as he is a widower,


  • (Member)

I am not sure if it has worked but I have tried to upload a picture from NYC off me and the fireman by Ground Zero..You would LOVE New York. I did the Boston, NewEngland and New York Tour as my first ever JY tour was fantastic but hectic. but so worth it..
