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(Member) (Topic Starter)

I've just booked my first Just You holiday to go walking on Majorca in April. I'd like to hear from anyone who has been on this trip already and can tell me what to expect and/or anyone who has booked to go on this trip in April

  • (Member)
Hi, I`ve also booked for Walking on Majorca next april, it`s my first time with Justyou and also the first on my own so feel a little nervous but after reading comments from others decided to take the plunge.

The itinerary looks very interesting, walks not too arduous and think the weather should be fairly warm so now looking forward to it.


  • (Member)
Hi, I've also just booked on this trip and its also my first time with Just You so I'm a bit apprehensive! It would be good to hear from anyone who's going on this trip and also if anyone's been on it before perhaps they have some info/advice. I'm flying from East Midlands.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Are either of you flying from Manchester? We could meet up at the airport.
Hi All

I would be interested to know, or receive any feed back o this trip, I have done Walking in The Ahr valley, to which was a great little trip in a fab location, However the walking was relaxed and gentle,I think I am ready to tackle a new challenge ,And therefore, Would be interested to know as to what the walking is like,from fellow travellers

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
I am flying from East Midlands. I'd be interested to know what level the walking is on this holiday, I did have a look at Google Earth to get a feel of the terrain and it looks mountainous in the north, although reading the itinerary it looks like the most strenuous walk is on the first day. Has anyone any more information?
Hi all

I have just booked this holiday. It's my second trip with just you, but my first walking holiday. I was looking for something to get me motivated, hopefully this will do it! Anyone got any advice or tips for a walking holiday? Look forward to meeting you all soon.


  • (Member)
I've only been walking in this country, but I would suggest: make sure your boots are comfortable and broken in; take a lightweight breathable waterproof jacket (and possibly trousers) in case of rain, a light rucksack or backpack and some of that sun lotion that lasts all day! Hat, sunglasses but also take a light fleece or jumper because it could get colder up in the mountains. And insect repellant!
Thanks for the advise. Can't believe it's just over a week till we go. A bit nervous but looking forward to meeting everyone. See you all soon


  • (Member)
Anyone flying from East Midlands?
Sorry Hazel, I'm flying from Manchester

See you in Majorca
