(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hello everyone, Lee here, I'm new to solo travel as my wife passed away a few months ago. We traveled a lot over the years and loved it. I want to continue traveling but am apprehensive in many ways , if I will fit in with a group or be really sad all of the time because of my new reality.

I would appreciate any experiences and advice from travelers in my situation that have taken the plunge to travel solo after being widowed.

Tina N
Good luck Lee.  I am just about to take my first trip so can't offer advice. I debated for months before booking.   Lots of positive reviews on this forum to give courage. T x
Hey Lee, first off, I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm glad you're thinking about hitting the road again. That takes guts.

Yeah, solo travel's a whole new beast. It's gonna feel weird at first, no doubt. You might have some days where you're down in the dumps, missing your wife like crazy. Don't worry too much about fitting in with groups. Travelers are generally a friendly bunch. Whatever you decide, take it at your own pace. Wishing you all the best, Lee.