  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Good morning,

At one time JY offered door to door transport, I think that the first 100 miles were free and then there was a charge. This stopped a few years ago, but it was mentioned that it may be reintroduced, are there any plans to do so?

I'm having trouble convincing friends to try JY when, from here, they have to either go by train and tube (3 changes minimum) with luggage, or book a taxi at around £360 round trip. They prefer to go with tour operators that offer a door to door service, so I wondered if there's anything in the pipeline that may persuade them?

Thank you


Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Rose, 

If there is anything else we can help with please do let us know.

Best wishes,

Just You


I have just looked at the link regarding transfers.. is the first 100 miles still free? Or do you get a discount or is it just you recommending this company but the customer still pays the full price they quote? Thanks 
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Thank you, I know that service has always been available, but a few years ago you offered some inclusive travel, as I said, I think it was up to 100 miles. That was the service I was asking about. The service now offered is no cheaper than me using a local taxi firm and adds at least £250 to the cost of any holiday from local airports and £360 if flying from Heathrow.

Sadly from your reply it seems that inclusive travel won't be offered again and I think it's a shame as it is an attraction for many. I still love my JY holidays though!


  • (Member)
Hi Rose 19999,

JY's door to door service was fine for clients who lived within the 100 mile radius, but for many others the extra charge (£3 per mile) soon adds up to a considerable sum. This particularly effected people like me who live in the Midlands, where the only means of transport to LHR or LGW is by road or rail as there are no connecting flights to London airports.

I do know of two tour operators who offer 'free' transport from anywhere on the UK mainland, and who offer some dedicated solo departures, but I won't name them here - not very helpful, I know, but you might guess who they are. Anyway, I hope that if JY do reintroduce this service that they don't automatically exclude large parts of the UK in the process.

Happy holidays


Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Rose and Dawn

Thanks for your messages. The 100 miles inclusive offer is no longer available, and there are no plans at this time to reintroduce this service but should anything change we shall be sure to keep the Just You community informed of any changes.

Best wishes,

Just You

  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike

I live in the rural West Midlands and I found the 100 miles free then paying £3 a mile cheaper than a taxi which is my only realistic option. I could take the train but I'd need a taxi to and from the local station and then have 3 changes before getting to Heathrow - with Gatwick being worse - and potentially having to stay the night in a hotel at the airport depending on flight times as the first train from here doesn't get to London until 9.15 and then there's London to cross at a busy time, trains alone would cost  around £200 even with my railcard. So, all in all, I was better off with the JY offer, even allowing for the balance to pay. I do reaslie it woudl be different for everyone though.

I've been with the two companies that you don't mention 😉 but the number of solo holidays they offer is limited, often only one or two dates per trip, per year. It's having gone with them that's made me realise how much easier and less stressful it is not having to sort my own transport, but I do prefer JY's choice of holidays. 

It seems JY are not reintroducing it though, despite saying they may when it stopped. I think that's a great shame as it was definitely an attraction for some. It won;t stop me taking holidays but it will make me look more closely at others.

Happy travels


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