  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, can I ask why a lot of the north American tours have been removed for example the east coast tour of USA and the other tours of Canada. Is this due to lack of interest? I was hoping to do the east coast USA tour but its now disappeared and there's only one USA tour I've not done which is the musical heritage one.  Will you be developing any other north American tours in the future? Thank you
Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Donna

Thanks so much for getting in touch. We are continually looking to develop our tour offering to ensure it represents the best quality and value, and so some tour offerings needed revising. That said we are currently looking at adding more in, so please do bear with us and be sure to sign up to the newsletter to make sure you don’t miss any new tour updates in the future.

Best wishes,

Just You Team